rwp@Hebrews:2:17 @{Wherefore} (\hothen\). Old relative adverb (\ho\ and enclitic \then\, whence of place (Matthew:12:44|), of source (1John:2:18|), of cause as here and often in Hebrews (3:1; 7:25; 8:3; 9:18; 11:19|). {It behoved him} (\“pheilen\). Imperfect active of \opheil“\, old verb to owe, money (Matthew:18:28|), service and love (Romans:13:8|), duty or obligation as here and often in N.T. (Luke:17:10|). Jesus is here the subject and the reference is to the incarnation. Having undertaken the work of redemption (John:3:16|), voluntarily (John:10:17|), Jesus was under obligation to be properly equipped for that priestly service and sacrifice. {In all things} (\kata panta\). Except yielding to sin (Hebrews:4:15|) and yet he knew what temptation was, difficult as it may be for us to comprehend that in the Son of God who is also the Son of man (Mark:1:13|). Jesus fought through to victory over Satan. {To be made like unto his brethren} (\tois adelphois homoi“thˆnai\). First aorist passive infinitive of \homoio“\, old and common verb from \homoios\ (like), as in kjv@Matthew:6:8|, with the associative instrumental case as here. Christ, our Elder Brother, resembles us in reality (Phillipians:2:7| "in the likeness of men") as we shall resemble him in the end (Romans:8:29| "first-born among many brethren"; kjv@1John:3:2| "like him"), where the same root is used as here (\hoi“ma, homoios\). That he might be (\hina genˆtai\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the second aorist middle subjunctive of \ginomai\, to become, "that he might become." That was only possible by being like his brethren in actual human nature. {Merciful and faithful high priest} (\eleˆm“n kai pistos archiereus\). The sudden use of \archiereus\ here for Jesus has been anticipated by 1:3; 2:9| and see 3:1|. Jesus as the priest-victim is the chief topic of the Epistle. These two adjectives (\eleˆm“n\ and \pistos\) touch the chief points in the function of the high priest (5:1-10|), sympathy and fidelity to God. The Sadducean high priests (Annas and Caiaphas) were political and ecclesiastical tools and puppets out of sympathy with the people and chosen by Rome. {In things pertaining to God} (\ta pros ton theon\). The adverbial accusative of the article is a common idiom. See the very idiom \ta pros ton theon\ in kjv@Exodus:18:19; kjv@Romans:15:17|. This use of \pros\ we had already in kjv@Hebrews:1:7f|. On the day of atonement the high priest entered the holy of holies and officiated in behalf of the people. {To make propitiation for} (\eis to hilaskesthai\). Purpose clause with \eis to\ and the infinitive (common Greek idiom), here present indirect middle of \hilaskomai\, to render propitious to oneself (from \hilaos\, Attic \hile“s\, gracious). This idea occurs in the LXX (Psalms:65:3|), but only here in N.T., though in kjv@Luke:18:13| the passive form (\hilasthˆti\) occurs as in kjv@2Kings:5:18|. In kjv@1John:2:2| we have \hilasmos\ used of Christ (cf. kjv@Hebrews:7:25|). The inscriptions illustrate the meaning in kjv@Hebrews:2:17| as well as the LXX.
rwp@Hebrews:2:18 @{In that} (\en h“i\). Literally, "In which" (\=en tout“i en h“i\, in that in which), a causal idea, though in kjv@Romans:14:22| \en h“i\ means "wherein." {Hath suffered} (\peponthen\). Second perfect active indicative of \pasch“\, permanent part of Christ's experience. {Being tempted} (\peirastheis\). First aorist passive participle of \peiraz“\. The temptation to escape the shame of the Cross was early and repeatedly presented to Christ, by Satan in the wilderness (Matthew:4:8-11|), by Peter in the spirit of Satan (Matthew:16:22f.|), in Gethsemane (Matthew:26:39|), and caused intense suffering to Jesus (Luke:22:44; kjv@Hebrews:5:8|). {He is able} (\dunatai\). This word strikes the heart of it all. Christ's power to help is due not merely to his deity as God's Son, but also to his humanity without which he could not sympathize with us (Hebrews:4:15|). {To succour} (\boˆthˆsai\). First aorist active infinitive of the old compound verb \boˆthe“\ (\boˆ\, a cry, \the“\, to run), to run at a cry or call for help (Matthew:15:25|). {Them that are tempted} (\tois peirazomenois\). Dative plural of the articular participle (present passive) of \peiraz“\. These Jewish Christians were daily tempted to give up Christ, to apostatize from Christianity. Jesus understands himself (\autos\) their predicament and is able to help them to be faithful.
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