rwp@Hebrews:2:4 @{God also bearing witness with them} (\sunepimarturountos tou theou\). Genitive absolute with the present active participle of the late double compound verb \sunepimarture“\, to join (\sun\) in giving additional (\epi\) testimony (\marture“\). Here only in N.T., but in Aristotle, Polybius, Plutarch. {Both by signs} (\sˆmeiois te kai\) {and wonders} (\kai terasin\) {and by manifold powers} (\kai poikilais dunamesin\) {and by gifts of the Holy Ghost} (\kai pneumatos hagiou merismois\). Instrumental case used with all four items. See kjv@Acts:2:22| for the three words for miracles in inverse order (powers, wonders, signs). Each word adds an idea about the \erga\ (works) of Christ. \Teras\ (wonder) attracts attention, \dunamis\ (power) shows God's power, \sˆmeion\ reveals the purpose of God in the miracles. For \poikilais\ (manifold, many-coloured) see kjv@Matthew:4:24; kjv@James:1:2|. For \merismos\ for distribution (old word, in N.T. only here and kjv@Hebrews:4:12|) see kjv@1Corinthians:12:4-30|. {According to his own will} (\kata tˆn autou thelˆsin\). The word \thelˆsis\ is called a vulgarism by Pollux. The writer is fond of words in \-is\.
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