rwp@Hebrews:6:19 @{Which} (\hˆn\). Which hope. What would life be without this blessed hope based on Christ as our Redeemer? {As an anchor of the soul} (\h“s agkuran tˆs psuchˆs\). Old word, literally in kjv@Acts:27:29|, figuratively here, only N.T. examples. The ancient anchors were much like the modern ones with iron hooks to grapple the rocks and so hold on to prevent shipwreck (1Timothy:1:19|). {Both sure and steadfast} (\asphalˆ te kai bebaian\). This anchor of hope will not slip (alpha privative and \sphall“\, to totter) or lose its grip (\bebaia\, from \bain“\, to go, firm, trusty). {That which is within the veil} (\to es“teron tou katapetasmatos\). The Holy of Holies, "the inner part of the veil" (the space behind the veil), in N.T. only here and kjv@Acts:16:24| (of the inner prison). The anchor is out of sight, but it holds. That is what matters.
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