strkjv@Isaiah:16:7 @ Therefore shall Moab #H4124 Mow#ab# howl #H3213 yalal# (8686) for Moab #H4124 Mow#ab#, every one shall howl #H3213 yalal# (8686): for the foundations #H808 #ashiysh# of Kirhareseth #H7025 Qiyr Cheres# shall ye mourn #H1897 hagah# (8799); surely they are stricken #H5218 nake# .
strkjv@Isaiah:16:8 @ For the fields #H7709 sh@demah# of Heshbon #H2809 Cheshbown# languish #H535 #amal# (8797), and the vine #H1612 gephen# of Sibmah #H7643 S@bam#: the lords #H1167 ba#al# of the heathen #H1471 gowy# have broken down #H1986 halam# (8804) the principal plants #H8291 saruwq# thereof, they are come #H5060 naga# (8804) even unto Jazer #H3270 Ya#azeyr#, they wandered #H8582 ta#ah# (8804) through the wilderness #H4057 midbar#: her branches #H7976 shilluchah# are stretched out #H5203 natash# (8738), they are gone over #H5674 #abar# (8804) the sea #H3220 yam#.
strkjv@Isaiah:16:9 @ Therefore I will bewail #H1058 bakah# (8799) with the weeping #H1065 B@kiy# of Jazer #H3270 Ya#azeyr# the vine #H1612 gephen# of Sibmah #H7643 S@bam#: I will water #H7301 ravah# (8762) thee with my tears #H1832 dim#ah#, O Heshbon #H2809 Cheshbown#, and Elealeh #H500 #El#ale# : for the shouting #H1959 heydad# for thy summer fruits #H7019 qayits# and for thy harvest #H7105 qatsiyr# is fallen #H5307 naphal# (8804).
strkjv@Isaiah:16:10 @ And gladness #H8057 simchah# is taken away #H622 #acaph# (8738), and joy #H1524 giyl# out of the plentiful field #H3759 karmel#; and in the vineyards #H3754 kerem# there shall be no singing #H7442 ranan# (8792), neither shall there be shouting #H7321 ruwa# (8783): the treaders #H1869 darak# (8802) shall tread out #H1869 darak# (8799) no wine #H3196 yayin# in their presses #H3342 yeqeb#; I have made their vintage shouting #H1959 heydad# to cease #H7673 shabath# (8689).
strkjv@Isaiah:16:11 @ Wherefore my bowels #H4578 me#ah# shall sound #H1993 hamah# (8799) like an harp #H3658 kinnowr# for Moab #H4124 Mow#ab#, and mine inward parts #H7130 qereb# for Kirharesh #H7025 Qiyr Cheres#.
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