strkjv@Isaiah:2:3 @ And many #H7227 rab# people #H5971 #am# shall go #H1980 halak# (8804) and say #H559 #amar# (8804), Come #H3212 yalak# (8798) ye, and let us go up #H5927 #alah# (8799) to the mountain #H2022 har# of the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#, to the house #H1004 bayith# of the God #H430 #elohiym# of Jacob #H3290 Ya#aqob#; and he will teach #H3384 yarah# (8686) us of his ways #H1870 derek#, and we will walk #H3212 yalak# (8799) in his paths #H734 #orach#: for out of Zion #H6726 Tsiyown# shall go forth #H3318 yatsa# (8799) the law #H8451 towrah#, and the word #H1697 dabar# of the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah# from Jerusalem #H3389 Y@ruwshalaim#.
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