strkjv@Isaiah:37:22 @ This is the word #H1697 dabar# which the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah# hath spoken #H1696 dabar# (8765) concerning him; The virgin #H1330 b@thuwlah#, the daughter #H1323 bath# of Zion #H6726 Tsiyown#, hath despised #H959 bazah# (8804) thee, and laughed thee to scorn; #H3932 la#ag# (8804) the daughter #H1323 bath# of Jerusalem #H3389 Y@ruwshalaim# hath shaken #H5128 nuwa# (8689) her head #H7218 ro#sh# at thee #H310 #achar#.
strkjv@Isaiah:37:23 @ Whom hast thou reproached #H2778 charaph# (8765) and blasphemed #H1442 gadaph# (8765)? and against whom hast thou exalted #H7311 ruwm# (8689) thy voice #H6963 qowl#, and lifted up #H5375 nasa# (8799) thine eyes #H5869 #ayin# on high #H4791 marowm#? even against the Holy One #H6918 qadowsh# of Israel #H3478 Yisra#el#.
strkjv@Isaiah:37:24 @ By #H3027 yad# thy servants #H5650 #ebed# hast thou reproached #H2778 charaph# (8765) the Lord #H136 #Adonay#, and hast said #H559 #amar# (8799), By the multitude #H7230 rob# of my chariots #H7393 rekeb# am I come up #H5927 #alah# (8804) to the height #H4791 marowm# of the mountains #H2022 har#, to the sides #H3411 y@rekah# of Lebanon #H3844 L@banown#; and I will cut down #H3772 karath# (8799) the tall #H6967 qowmah# cedars #H730 #erez# thereof, and the choice #H4005 mibchar# fir trees #H1265 b@rowsh# thereof: and I will enter #H935 bow# (8799) into the height #H4791 marowm# of his border #H7093 qets#, and the forest #H3293 ya#ar# of his Carmel #H3760 Karmel#.
strkjv@Isaiah:37:25 @ I have digged #H6979 quwr# (8804), and drunk #H8354 shathah# (8804) water #H4325 mayim#; and with the sole #H3709 kaph# of my feet #H6471 pa#am# have I dried up #H2717 charab# (8686) all the rivers #H2975 y@#or# of the besieged places #H4693 matsowr#.
strkjv@Isaiah:37:26 @ Hast thou not heard #H8085 shama# (8804) long ago #H7350 rachowq#, how I have done #H6213 #asah# (8804) it; and of ancient #H6924 qedem# times #H3117 yowm#, that I have formed #H3335 yatsar# (8804) it? now have I brought #H935 bow# (8689) it to pass, that thou shouldest be to lay waste #H7582 sha#ah# (8687) defenced #H1219 batsar# (8803) cities #H5892 #iyr# into ruinous #H5327 natsah# (8737) heaps #H1530 gal#.
strkjv@Isaiah:37:27 @ Therefore their inhabitants #H3427 yashab# (8802) were of small #H7116 qatser# power #H3027 yad#, they were dismayed #H2865 chathath# (8804) and confounded #H954 buwsh# (8804): they were as the grass #H6212 #eseb# of the field #H7704 sadeh#, and as the green #H3419 yaraq# herb #H1877 deshe# , as the grass #H2682 chatsiyr# on the housetops #H1406 gag#, and as corn blasted #H7709 sh@demah# before #H6440 paniym# it be grown up #H7054 qamah#.
strkjv@Isaiah:37:28 @ But I know #H3045 yada# (8804) thy abode #H3427 yashab# (8800), and thy going out #H3318 yatsa# (8800), and thy coming in #H935 bow# (8800), and thy rage #H7264 ragaz# (8692) against me.
strkjv@Isaiah:37:29 @ Because thy rage #H7264 ragaz# (8692) against me, and thy tumult #H7600 sha#anan#, is come up #H5927 #alah# (8804) into mine ears #H241 #ozen#, therefore will I put #H7760 suwm# (8804) my hook #H2397 chach# in thy nose #H639 #aph#, and my bridle #H4964 metheg# in thy lips #H8193 saphah#, and I will turn thee back #H7725 shuwb# (8689) by the way #H1870 derek# by which thou camest #H935 bow# (8804).
strkjv@Isaiah:37:30 @ And this shall be a sign #H226 #owth# unto thee, Ye shall eat #H398 #akal# (8800) this year #H8141 shaneh# such as groweth #H5599 caphiyach# of itself; and the second #H8145 sheniy# year #H8141 shaneh# that which springeth #H7823 shachiyc# of the same: and in the third #H7992 sh@liyshiy# year #H8141 shaneh# sow #H2232 zara# (8798) ye, and reap #H7114 qatsar# (8798), and plant #H5193 nata# (8798) vineyards #H3754 kerem#, and eat #H398 #akal# (8798) the fruit #H6529 p@riy# thereof.
strkjv@Isaiah:37:31 @ And the remnant #H7604 sha#ar# (8737) that is escaped #H6413 p@leytah# of the house #H1004 bayith# of Judah #H3063 Y@huwdah# shall again #H3254 yacaph# (8804) take root #H8328 sheresh# downward #H4295 mattah#, and bear #H6213 #asah# (8804) fruit #H6529 p@riy# upward #H4605 ma#al#:
strkjv@Isaiah:37:32 @ For out of Jerusalem #H3389 Y@ruwshalaim# shall go forth #H3318 yatsa# (8799) a remnant #H7611 sh@#eriyth#, and they that escape #H6413 p@leytah# out of mount #H2022 har# Zion #H6726 Tsiyown#: the zeal #H7068 qin#ah# of the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah# of hosts #H6635 tsaba# shall do #H6213 #asah# (8799) this.
strkjv@Isaiah:37:33 @ Therefore thus saith #H559 #amar# (8804) the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah# concerning the king #H4428 melek# of Assyria #H804 #Ashshuwr#, He shall not come #H935 bow# (8799) into this city #H5892 #iyr#, nor shoot #H3384 yarah# (8686) an arrow #H2671 chets# there, nor come before #H6923 qadam# (8762) it with shields #H4043 magen#, nor cast #H8210 shaphak# (8799) a bank #H5550 col@lah# against it.
strkjv@Isaiah:37:34 @ By the way #H1870 derek# that he came #H935 bow# (8804), by the same shall he return #H7725 shuwb# (8799), and shall not come #H935 bow# (8799) into this city #H5892 #iyr#, saith #H5002 n@#um# (8803) the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#.
strkjv@Isaiah:37:35 @ For I will defend #H1598 ganan# (8804) this city #H5892 #iyr# to save #H3467 yasha# (8687) it for mine own sake, and for my servant #H5650 #ebed# Davids #H1732 David# sake.
strkjv@Isaiah:37:36 @ Then the angel #H4397 mal#ak# of the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah# went forth #H3318 yatsa# (8799), and smote #H5221 nakah# (8686) in the camp #H4264 machaneh# of the Assyrians #H804 #Ashshuwr# a hundred #H3967 me#ah# and fourscore #H8084 sh@moniym# and five #H2568 chamesh# thousand #H505 #eleph#: and when they arose early #H7925 shakam# (8686) in the morning #H1242 boqer#, behold, they were all dead #H4191 muwth# (8801) corpses #H6297 peger#.
strkjv@Isaiah:37:37 @ So Sennacherib #H5576 Cancheriyb# king #H4428 melek# of Assyria #H804 #Ashshuwr# departed #H5265 naca# (8799), and went #H3212 yalak# (8799) and returned #H7725 shuwb# (8799), and dwelt #H3427 yashab# (8799) at Nineveh #H5210 Niyn@veh#.
strkjv@Isaiah:37:38 @ And it came to pass, as he was worshipping #H7812 shachah# (8693) in the house #H1004 bayith# of Nisroch #H5268 Nicrok# his god #H430 #elohiym#, that Adrammelech #H152 #Adrammelek# and Sharezer #H8272 Shar#etser# his sons #H1121 ben# smote #H5221 nakah# (8689) him with the sword #H2719 chereb#; and they escaped #H4422 malat# (8738) into the land #H776 #erets# of Armenia #H780 #Ararat#: and Esarhaddon #H634 #Ecar-Chaddown# his son #H1121 ben# reigned #H4427 malak# (8799) in his stead.
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