strkjv@Isaiah:42:1 @ Behold my servant #H5650 #ebed#, whom I uphold #H8551 tamak# (8799); mine elect #H972 bachiyr#, in whom my soul #H5315 nephesh# delighteth #H7521 ratsah# (8804); I have put #H5414 nathan# (8804) my spirit #H7307 ruwach# upon him: he shall bring forth #H3318 yatsa# (8686) judgment #H4941 mishpat# to the Gentiles #H1471 gowy#.
strkjv@Isaiah:42:2 @ He shall not cry #H6817 tsa#aq# (8799), nor lift up #H5375 nasa# (8799), nor cause his voice #H6963 qowl# to be heard #H8085 shama# (8686) in the street #H2351 chuwts#.
strkjv@Isaiah:42:3 @ A bruised #H7533 ratsats# (8803) reed #H7070 qaneh# shall he not break #H7665 shabar# (8799), and the smoking #H3544 keheh# flax #H6594 pishtah# shall he not quench #H3518 kabah# (8762): he shall bring forth #H3318 yatsa# (8686) judgment #H4941 mishpat# unto truth #H571 #emeth#.
strkjv@Isaiah:42:4 @ He shall not fail #H3543 kahah# (8799) nor be discouraged #H7533 ratsats# (8799), till he have set #H7760 suwm# (8799) judgment #H4941 mishpat# in the earth #H776 #erets#: and the isles #H339 #iy# shall wait #H3176 yachal# (8762) for his law #H8451 towrah#.
strkjv@Isaiah:42:5 @ Thus saith #H559 #amar# (8804) God #H410 #el# the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#, he that created #H1254 bara# (8802) the heavens #H8064 shamayim#, and stretched them out #H5186 natah# (8802); he that spread forth #H7554 raqa# (8802) the earth #H776 #erets#, and that which cometh out #H6631 tse#etsa# of it; he that giveth #H5414 nathan# (8802) breath #H5397 n@shamah# unto the people #H5971 #am# upon it, and spirit #H7307 ruwach# to them that walk #H1980 halak# (8802) therein:
strkjv@Isaiah:42:6 @ I the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah# have called #H7121 qara# (8804) thee in righteousness #H6664 tsedeq#, and will hold #H2388 chazaq# (8686) thine hand #H3027 yad#, and will keep #H5341 natsar# (8799) thee, and give #H5414 nathan# (8799) thee for a covenant #H1285 b@riyth# of the people #H5971 #am#, for a light #H216 #owr# of the Gentiles #H1471 gowy#;
strkjv@Isaiah:42:7 @ To open #H6491 paqach# (8800) the blind #H5787 #ivver# eyes #H5869 #ayin#, to bring out #H3318 yatsa# (8687) the prisoners #H616 #acciyr# from the prison #H4525 macger#, and them that sit #H3427 yashab# (8802) in darkness #H2822 choshek# out of the prison #H3608 kele# house #H1004 bayith#.
strkjv@Isaiah:42:8 @ I am the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#: that is my name #H8034 shem#: and my glory #H3519 kabowd# will I not give #H5414 nathan# (8799) to another #H312 #acher#, neither my praise #H8416 t@hillah# to graven images #H6456 p@ciyl#.
strkjv@Isaiah:42:9 @ Behold, the former things #H7223 ri#shown# are come to pass #H935 bow# (8804), and new things #H2319 chadash# do I declare #H5046 nagad# (8688): before they spring forth #H6779 tsamach# (8799) I tell #H8085 shama# (8686) you of them.
strkjv@Isaiah:42:10 @ Sing #H7891 shiyr# (8798) unto the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah# a new #H2319 chadash# song #H7892 shiyr#, and his praise #H8416 t@hillah# from the end #H7097 qatseh# of the earth #H776 #erets#, ye that go down #H3381 yarad# (8802) to the sea #H3220 yam#, and all that is therein #H4393 m@lo# ; the isles #H339 #iy#, and the inhabitants #H3427 yashab# (8802) thereof.
strkjv@Isaiah:42:11 @ Let the wilderness #H4057 midbar# and the cities #H5892 #iyr# thereof lift up #H5375 nasa# (8799) their voice, the villages #H2691 chatser# that Kedar #H6938 Qedar# doth inhabit #H3427 yashab# (8799): let the inhabitants #H3427 yashab# (8802) of the rock #H5553 cela# sing #H7442 ranan# (8799), let them shout #H6681 tsavach# (8799) from the top #H7218 ro#sh# of the mountains #H2022 har#.
strkjv@Isaiah:42:12 @ Let them give #H7760 suwm# (8799) glory #H3519 kabowd# unto the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#, and declare #H5046 nagad# (8686) his praise #H8416 t@hillah# in the islands #H339 #iy#.
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