strkjv@Isaiah:56:3 @ Neither let the son #H1121 ben# of the stranger #H5236 nekar#, that hath joined #H3867 lavah# (8738) himself to the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#, speak #H559 #amar# (8799), saying #H559 #amar# (8800), The LORD #H3068 Y@hovah# hath utterly #H914 badal# (8687) separated #H914 badal# (8686) me from his people #H5971 #am#: neither let the eunuch #H5631 cariyc# say #H559 #amar# (8799), Behold, I am a dry #H3002 yabesh# tree #H6086 #ets#.
strkjv@Isaiah:56:4 @ For thus saith #H559 #amar# (8804) the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah# unto the eunuchs #H5631 cariyc# that keep #H8104 shamar# (8799) my sabbaths #H7676 shabbath#, and choose #H977 bachar# (8804) the things that please #H2654 chaphets# (8804) me, and take hold #H2388 chazaq# (8688) of my covenant #H1285 b@riyth#;
strkjv@Isaiah:56:5 @ Even unto them will I give #H5414 nathan# (8804) in mine house #H1004 bayith# and within my walls #H2346 chowmah# a place #H3027 yad# and a name #H8034 shem# better #H2896 towb# than of sons #H1121 ben# and of daughters #H1323 bath#: I will give #H5414 nathan# (8799) them an everlasting #H5769 #owlam# name #H8034 shem#, that shall not be cut off #H3772 karath# (8735).
strkjv@Isaiah:56:6 @ Also the sons #H1121 ben# of the stranger #H5236 nekar#, that join #H3867 lavah# (8737) themselves to the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#, to serve #H8334 sharath# (8763) him, and to love #H157 #ahab# (8800) the name #H8034 shem# of the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#, to be his servants #H5650 #ebed#, every one that keepeth #H8104 shamar# (8802) the sabbath #H7676 shabbath# from polluting #H2490 chalal# (8763) it, and taketh hold #H2388 chazaq# (8688) of my covenant #H1285 b@riyth#;
strkjv@Isaiah:56:7 @ Even them will I bring #H935 bow# (8689) to my holy #H6944 qodesh# mountain #H2022 har#, and make them joyful #H8055 samach# (8765) in my house #H1004 bayith# of prayer #H8605 t@phillah#: their burnt offerings #H5930 #olah# and their sacrifices #H2077 zebach# shall be accepted #H7522 ratsown# upon mine altar #H4196 mizbeach#; for mine house #H1004 bayith# shall be called #H7121 qara# (8735) an house #H1004 bayith# of prayer #H8605 t@phillah# for all people #H5971 #am#.
strkjv@Isaiah:56:8 @ The Lord #H136 #Adonay# GOD #H3069 Y@hovih# which gathereth #H6908 qabats# (8764) the outcasts #H1760 dachah# (8737) of Israel #H3478 Yisra#el# saith #H5002 n@#um# (8803), Yet will I gather #H6908 qabats# (8762) others to him, beside those that are gathered #H6908 qabats# (8737) unto him.
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