rwp@James:4:1 @{Whence} (\pothen\). This old interrogative adverb (here twice) asks for the origin of wars and fights. James is full of interrogatives, like all diatribes. {Wars} (\polemoi\) {--fightings} (\machai\). {War} (\polemos\, old word, kjv@Matthew:24:6|) pictures the chronic state or campaign, while \machˆ\ (also old word, kjv@2Corinthians:7:5|) presents the separate conflicts or battles in the war. Songs:James covers the whole ground by using both words. The origin of a war or of any quarrel is sometimes hard to find, but James touches the sore spot here. {Of your pleasures} (\ek t“n hˆdon“n hum“n\). Old word from \hˆdomai\. Ablative case here after \ek\, "out of your sinful, sensual lusts," the desire to get what one does not have and greatly desires. {That war} (\t“n strateuomen“n\). Present middle articular participle (ablative case agreeing with \hˆdon“n\) of \strateu“\, to carry on a campaign, here as in kjv@1Peter:2:11| of the passions in the human body. James seems to be addressing nominal Christians, "among you" (\en humin\). Modern church disturbances are old enough in practice.
rwp@James:4:2 @{Ye lust} (\epithumeite\). Present active indicative of \epithume“\, old word (from \epi, thumos\, yearning passion for), not necessarily evil as clearly not in kjv@Luke:22:15| of Christ, but usually so in the N.T., as here. Coveting what a man or nation does not have is the cause of war according to James. {Ye kill and covet} (\phoneuete kai zˆloute\). Present active indicatives of \phoneu“\ (old verb from \phoneus\, murderer) and \zˆlo“\, to desire hotly to possess (1Corinthians:12:31|). It is possible (perhaps probable) that a full stop should come after \phoneuete\ (ye kill) as the result of lusting and not having. Then we have the second situation: "Ye covet and cannot obtain (\epituchein\, second aorist active infinitive of \epitugchan“\), and (as a result) ye fight and war." This punctuation makes better sense than any other and is in harmony with verse 1|. Thus also the anticlimax in \phoneuete\ and \zˆloute\ is avoided. Mayor makes the words a hendiadys, "ye murderously envy." {Ye have not, because ye ask not} (\ouk echete dia to mˆ aiteisthai humas\). James refers again to \ouk echete\ (ye do not have) in verse 2|. Such sinful lusting will not obtain. "Make the service of God your supreme end, and then your desires will be such as God can fulfil in answer to your prayer" (Ropes). Cf. kjv@Matthew:6:31-33|. The reason here is expressed by \dia\ and the accusative of the articular present middle infinitive of \aite“\, used here of prayer to God as in kjv@Matthew:7:7f|. \Humƒs\ (you) is the accusative of general reference. Note the middle voice here as in \aiteisthe\ in 3|. Mayor argues that the middle here, in contrast with the active, carries more the spirit of prayer, but Moulton (_Prol_., p. 160) regards the distinction between \aite“\ and \aiteomai\ often "an extinct subtlety."
rwp@James:4:3 @{Because ye ask amiss} (\dioti kak“s aiteisthe\). Here the indirect middle does make sense, "ye ask for yourselves" and that is "evilly" or amiss (\kak“s\), as James explains. {That ye may spend it in your pleasures} (\hina en tais hˆdonais hum“n dapanˆsˆte\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the first aorist subjunctive of \dapana“\, old verb from \dapanˆ\, cost (Luke:14:28| only in N.T.), to squander (Luke:15:14|). God does not hear prayers like this.
rwp@James:4:4 @{Ye adulteresses} (\moichalides\). \Moichoi kai\ (ye adulterers) is spurious (Syrian text only). The feminine form here is a common late word from the masculine \moichoi\. It is not clear whether the word is to be taken literally here as in kjv@Romans:7:3|, or figuratively for all unfaithful followers of Christ (like an unfaithful bride), as in kjv@2Corinthians:11:1f.; kjv@Ephesians:5:24-28| (the Bride of Christ). Either view makes sense in this context, probably the literal view being more in harmony with the language of verses 2f|. In that case James may include more than Christians in his view, though Paul talks plainly to church members about unchastity (Ephesians:5:3-5|). {Enmity with God} (\echthra tou theou\). Objective genitive \theou\ with \echthra\ (predicate and so without article), old word from \echthros\, enemy (Romans:5:10|), with \eis theon\ (below and kjv@Romans:8:7|). {Whosoever therefore would be} (\hos ean oun boulˆthˆi\). Indefinite relative clause with \hos\ and modal \ean\ and the first aorist passive (deponent) subjunctive of \boulomai\, to will (purpose). {A friend of the world} (\philos tou kosmou\). Predicate nominative with infinitive \einai\ agreeing with \hos\. See 2:23| for \philos theou\ (friend of God). {Maketh himself} (\kathistatai\). Present passive (not middle) indicative as in 3:6|, "is constituted," "is rendered." {An enemy of God} (\echthros tou theou\). Predicate nominative and anarthrous and objective genitive (\theou\).
rwp@James:4:5 @{The Scripture} (\hˆ graphˆ\). Personification as in kjv@Galatians:3:8; kjv@James:2:23|. But no O.T. passage is precisely like this, though it is "a poetical rendering" (Ropes) of kjv@Exodus:20:5|. The general thought occurs also in kjv@Genesis:6:3-5; kjv@Isaiah:63:8-16|, etc. Paul has the same idea also (Galatians:5:17,21; kjv@Romans:8:6,8|). It is possible that the reference is really to the quotation in verse 6| from kjv@Proverbs:3:34| and treating all before as a parenthesis. There is no way to decide positively. {In vain} (\ken“s\). Old adverb (Aristotle) from \ken“s\ (2:20|), here alone in N.T. "Emptily," not meaning what it says. {Made to dwell} (\kat“ikisen\). First aorist active of \katoikiz“\, old verb, to give a dwelling to, only here in N.T. {Long unto envying} (\pros phthonon epipothei\). A difficult phrase. Some even take \pros phthonon\ with \legei\ rather than with \epipothei\, as it naturally does go, meaning "jealously." But even so, with God presented as a jealous lover, does \to pneuma\ refer to the Holy Spirit as the subject of \epipothei\ or to man's spirit as the object of \epipothei\? Probably the former and \epipothei\ then means to yearn after in the good sense as in kjv@Phillipians:1:8|.
rwp@James:4:6 @{More grace} (\meizona charin\). "Greater grace." Greater than what? "Greater grace in view of the greater requirement" (Ropes), like kjv@Romans:5:20f|. God does this. {Wherefore} (\dio\). To prove this point James quotes kjv@Proverbs:3:34|. {God resisteth the proud} (\ho theos huperˆphanois antitassetai\). Present middle (direct) indicative of \antitass“\, old military term, to range in battle against, with dative case (Romans:13:2|) as in 5:6|. \Huperˆphanois\ (\huper, phainomai\) is like our vernacular "stuck-up folks" (Romans:1:30|), "haughty persons." {But giveth grace to the humble} (\tapeinois de did“sin charin\). Anarthrous adjective again, "to humble or lowly persons," for which word see 1:9f|. Cf. 2:5-7; 5:1-6|.
rwp@James:4:7 @{Be subject therefore unto God} (\hupotagˆte oun t“i the“i\). Second aorist (ingressive) passive imperative of \hupotass“\, old verb, to range under (military term also). Same form in kjv@1Peter:2:23; 5:5|. With the dative case \the“i\ (unto God). The aorist has the note of urgency in the imperative. Note the ten aorist imperatives in verses 7-10| (\hupotagˆte, antistˆte, eggisate, katharisate, hagnisate, talaip“rˆsate, penthˆsate, klausate, metatrapˆt“, tapein“thˆte\). {But resist the devil} (\antistˆte de t“i diabol“i\). Second aorist (ingressive) active (intransitive) imperative of \anthistˆmi\, "take a stand against." Dative case \diabol“i\. Result of such a stand is that the devil will flee (\pheuxetai\, future middle of \pheug“\). See kjv@1Peter:5:8f.; kjv@Ephesians:6:11f.; kjv@Luke:10:17|.
rwp@James:4:8 @{Draw nigh to God} (\eggisate t“i the“i\). First aorist active imperative of \eggiz“\, late verb from \eggus\ (near) as in kjv@Matthew:3:2|. With dative case again of personal relation. The priests in the sanctuary drew nigh to God (Exodus:19:22|), as we should now. {Cleanse your hands} (\katharisate cheiras\). First aorist active imperative of \kathariz“\, to cleanse, from dirt in a ritual sense (Exodus:30:19-21; kjv@Mark:7:3,19|). Here it is figurative, as in kjv@Hosea:1:16; kjv@Psalms:24:4|. If we always had clean (from sin) hands and hearts? {Ye sinners} (\hamart“loi\). A sharp term to strike the conscience, "a reproach meant to startle and sting" (Ropes). {Purify your hearts} (\hagnisate kardias\). First aorist active imperative of \hagniz“\, old verb from \hagnos\ (James:3:17|), ceremonially (Acts:21:24,26|), but here morally as in kjv@1Peter:1:22; kjv@1John:3:3|. Anarthrous use of \kardias\ as of \cheiras\ (wash hands, purify hearts). {Ye double-minded} (\dipsuchoi\). As in 1:8|.
rwp@James:4:9 @{Be afflicted} (\talaip“rˆsate\). First aorist active imperative \talaip“re“\, old verb from \talaip“ros\ (Romans:7:24|), to endure toils, here only in N.T. Cf. \talaip“riais\ in 5:1|. {Mourn} (\penthˆsate\). First aorist active imperative of \penthe“\, old verb from \penthos\ (mourning, 4:9|), as in kjv@Matthew:5:4f|. Often in N.T. joined as here with \klai“\, to weep (Mark:16:10; kjv@Luke:6:25|). A call to the godly sorrow spoken of in kjv@2Corinthians:7:10| (Mayor), like an O.T. prophet. {Weep} (\klausate\). First aorist active imperative of \klai“\. {Laughter} (\gel“s\). Old word from Homer down, only here in N.T. as \gela“\, to {laugh} (opposite of \klai“\), in N.T. only in kjv@Luke:6:21,25|, but \katagela“\ in kjv@Luke:8:53| (Mark:5:40; kjv@Matthew:9:24|). {Be turned} (\metatrapˆt“\). Second aorist passive imperative of \metatrep“\, old word, to turn about, to transmute, in Homer (not in Attic), here only in N.T. {Heaviness} (\katˆpheian\). Old word from \katˆphˆs\ (of a downcast look, from \kata\, \phaˆ\ eyes), hanging down of the eyes like the publican in kjv@Luke:18:13|, here only in N.T.
rwp@James:4:10 @{Humble yourselves} (\tapein“thˆte\). First aorist passive imperative of \tapeino“\, old verb from \tapeinos\ (1:9|), as in kjv@Matthew:18:4|. The passive here has almost the middle or reflexive sense. The middle voice was already giving way to the passive. See kjv@1Peter:5:6| for this same form with the same promise of exaltation. {He shall exalt you} (\hups“sei humas\). Future active indicative of \hupso“\, common verb from \hupsos\ (height), used by Jesus in contrast with \tapeino“\ as here (Matthew:23:12; kjv@Luke:14:11; 18:14|).
rwp@James:4:11 @{Speak not one against another} (\mˆ katalaleite allˆl“n\). Prohibition against such a habit or a command to quit doing it, with \mˆ\ and the present imperative of \katalale“\, old compound usually with the accusative in ancient Greek, in N.T. only with the genitive (here, kjv@1Peter:2:12; 3:16|). Often harsh words about the absent. James returns to the subject of the tongue as he does again in 5:12| (twice before, 1:26; 3:1-12|). {Judgeth} (\krin“n\). In the sense of harsh judgment as in kjv@Matthew:7:1; kjv@Luke:6:37| (explained by \katadikaz“\). {Not a doer of the law, but a judge} (\ouk poiˆtˆs nomou, alla kritˆs\). This tone of superiority to law is here sharply condemned. James has in mind God's law, of course, but the point is the same for all laws under which we live. We cannot select the laws which we will obey unless some contravene God's law, and so our own conscience (Acts:4:20|). Then we are willing to give our lives for our rebellion if need be.
rwp@James:4:12 @{One only} (\heis\). No "only" in the Greek, but \heis\ here excludes all others but God. {The lawgiver} (\ho nomothetˆs\). Old compound (from \nomos, tithˆmi\), only here in N.T. In kjv@Psalms:9:20|. Cf. \nomothete“\ in kjv@Hebrews:7:11; 8:6|. {To save} (\s“sai\, first aorist active infinitive of \s“z“\) {and to destroy} (\kai apolesai\, first aorist active infinitive of \apollumi\ to destroy). Cf. the picture of God's power in kjv@Matthew:10:28|, a common idea in the O.T. (Deuteronomy:32:39; kjv@1Samuel:2:16; kjv@2Kings:5:7|). {But who art thou?} (\su de tis ei;\). Proleptic and emphatic position of \su\ (thou) in this rhetorical question as in kjv@Romans:9:20; 14:4|. {Thy neighbour} (\ton plˆsion\). "The neighbour" as in kjv@James:2:8|.
rwp@James:4:13 @{Go to now} (\age nun\). Interjectional use of \age\ (from \ag“\) as in 5:1| (only N.T. instances) with a plural verb (\hoi legontes\, present active articular participle, ye that say) as is common in ancient Greek like \ide nun ˆkousate\ (Matthew:26:65|). {Today or tomorrow} (\sˆmeron ˆ aurion\). Correct text (Aleph B), not \kai\ (and). {Into this city} (\eis tˆnde tˆn polin\). Old demonstrative \hode\, rare in N.T. (Luke:10:39|) save in neuter plural \tade\ (these things kjv@Acts:21:11|). One would point out the city on the map (Mayor) as he made the proposal (we will go, \poreusometha\). {And spend a year there} (\kai poiˆsomen ekei eniauton\). Another future (active of \poie“\). "We will do a year there." {And trade} (\kai emporeusometha\). Future middle of \emporeuomai\ (\en, poreuomai\, to go in), old verb from \emporos\ (a merchant or trader, a drummer, one going in and getting the trade, kjv@Matthew:13:45|), a vivid picture of the Jewish merchants of the time. {And get gain} (\kai kerdˆsomen\). Future (Ionic form) active of \kerdain“\, old verb from \kerdos\ (gain, kjv@Phillipians:1:21|), as in kjv@Matthew:16:26|.
rwp@James:4:14 @{Whereas ye know not} (\hoitines ouk epistasthe\). The longer relative \hostis\ defines here more precisely (like Latin _qui_) \hoi legontes\ (ye who say) of verse 13| in a causal sense, as in kjv@Acts:10:47|, "who indeed do not know" (present middle indicative of \epistamai\). {What shall be on the morrow} (\tˆs aurion\). Supply \hˆmeras\ (day) after \aurion\. This is the reading of B (Westcott) "on the morrow" (genitive of time), but Aleph K L cursives have \to tˆs aurion\ ("the matter of tomorrow"), while A P cursives have \ta tˆs aurion\ ("the things of tomorrow"). The sense is practically the same, though \to tˆs aurion\ is likely correct. {What is your life?} (\poia hˆ z“ˆ hum“n\). Thus Westcott and Hort punctuate it as an indirect question, not direct. \Poia\ is a qualitative interrogative (of what character). {As vapour} (\atmis\). This is the answer. Old word for mist (like \atmos\, from which our "atmosphere"), in N.T. only here and kjv@Acts:2:19| with \kapnou\ (vapour of smoke (from kjv@Joel:2:30|). {For a little time} (\pros oligon\). See same phrase in kjv@1Timothy:4:8|, \pros kairon\ in kjv@Luke:8:13|, \pros h“ran\ in kjv@John:5:35|. {That appeareth and then vanisheth away} (\phainomenˆ epeita kai aphanizomenˆ\). Present middle participles agreeing with \atmis\, "appearing, then also disappearing," with play on the two verbs (\phainomai, aphaniz“\ as in kjv@Matthew:6:19|, from \aphanˆs\ hidden kjv@Hebrews:4:13|) with the same root \phan\ (\phain“, a-phan-ˆs\).
rwp@James:4:15 @{For that ye ought to say} (\anti tou legein humƒs\). "Instead of the saying as to you" (genitive of the articular infinitive with the preposition \anti\ and the accusative of general reference with \legein\), "instead of your saying." {If the Lord will} (\ean ho kurios thelˆi\). Condition of the third class with \ean\ and the present active subjunctive (or first aorist active \thelesˆi\ in some MSS). The proper attitude of mind (Acts:18:21; kjv@1Corinthians:4:19; 16:7; kjv@Romans:1:19; kjv@Phillipians:2:19,24; kjv@Hebrews:6:3|), not to be uttered always in words like a charm. This Hellenistic formula was common among the ancient heathen, as today among modern Arabs like the Latin _deo volente_. {This or that} (\touto ˆ ekeino\). Applicable to every act.
rwp@James:4:16 @{In your vauntings} (\en tais alazoniais hum“n\). Old word for braggart talk (from \alazoneuomai\, to act the \alaz“n\ empty boaster kjv@Romans:1:30|), common in Aristophanes, in N.T. only here and kjv@1John:2:16|. {Glorying} (\kauchˆsis\). Act of glorying, late word from \kauchaomai\, good if for Christ (1Thessalonians:2:19|), bad if for self as here.
rwp@James:4:17 @{To him that knoweth} (\eidoti\). Dative case of second perfect participle \eid“s\ (from \oida\), and with the infinitive to know how, "to one knowing how." {To do good} (\kalon poiein\). "To do a good deed." {And doeth it not} (\kai mˆ poiounti\). Dative again of the present active participle of \poie“\, "and to one not doing it." Cf. "not a doer" (1:23|) and kjv@Matthew:7:26|. {Sin} (\hamartia\). Unused knowledge of one's duty is sin, the sin of omission. Cf. kjv@Matthew:23:23|.
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