rwp@James:5:17 @{Of like passions with us} (\homoiopathˆs hˆmin\). Associative-instrumental case \hˆmin\ as with \homoios\. This old compound adjective (\homoios, pasch“\), suffering the like with another, in N.T. only here and kjv@Acts:14:15|. {He prayed fervently} (\proseuchˆi prosˆuxato\). First aorist middle indicative of \proseuchomai\ and the instrumental case \proseuchˆi\ (cognate substantive), after idiom for intensity in classical Greek, like \pheugein phugˆi\, to flee with all speed (_figura etymologica_), but particularly frequent in the LXX (Genesis:2:17; 31:30|) in imitation of the Hebrew infinitive absolute. Songs:Luke:22:15; kjv@John:3:29; kjv@Acts:4:17|. {That it might not rain} (\tou mˆ brexai\). Genitive of the articular infinitive (\brexai\, first aorist active of \brech“\, old verb, to moisten, kjv@Luke:7:38|, to rain, kjv@Matthew:5:45|) with negative \mˆ\ used either for direct purpose, for an object clause as here and kjv@Acts:3:12; 15:20|, or even for result. {For three years and six months} (\eniautous treis kai mˆnas hex\). Accusative of extent of time.
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