strkjv@Jeremiah:18:18 @ Then said #H559 #amar# (8799) they, Come #H3212 yalak# (8798), and let us devise #H2803 chashab# (8799) devices #H4284 machashabah# against Jeremiah #H3414 Yirm@yah#; for the law #H8451 towrah# shall not perish #H6 #abad# (8799) from the priest #H3548 kohen#, nor counsel #H6098 #etsah# from the wise #H2450 chakam#, nor the word #H1697 dabar# from the prophet #H5030 nabiy# . Come #H3212 yalak# (8798), and let us smite #H5221 nakah# (8686) him with the tongue #H3956 lashown#, and let us not give heed #H7181 qashab# (8686) to any of his words #H1697 dabar#.
strkjv@Jeremiah:18:19 @ Give heed #H7181 qashab# (8685) to me, O LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#, and hearken #H8085 shama# (8798) to the voice #H6963 qowl# of them that contend #H3401 yariyb# with me.
strkjv@Jeremiah:18:20 @ Shall evil #H7451 ra# be recompensed #H7999 shalam# (8792) for good #H2896 towb#? for they have digged #H3738 karah# (8804) a pit #H7745 shuwchah# for my soul #H5315 nephesh#. Remember #H2142 zakar# (8798) that I stood #H5975 #amad# (8800) before #H6440 paniym# thee to speak #H1696 dabar# (8763) good #H2896 towb# for them, and to turn away #H7725 shuwb# (8687) thy wrath #H2534 chemah# from them.
strkjv@Jeremiah:18:21 @ Therefore deliver up #H5414 nathan# (8798) their children #H1121 ben# to the famine #H7458 ra#ab#, and pour out #H5064 nagar# (8685) their blood by the force #H3027 yad# of the sword #H2719 chereb#; and let their wives #H802 #ishshah# be bereaved #H7909 shakkuwl# of their children, and be widows #H490 #almanah#; and let their men #H582 #enowsh# be put #H2026 harag# (8803) to death #H4194 maveth#; let their young men #H970 bachuwr# be slain #H5221 nakah# (8716) by the sword #H2719 chereb# in battle #H4421 milchamah#.
strkjv@Jeremiah:18:22 @ Let a cry #H2201 za#aq# be heard #H8085 shama# (8735) from their houses #H1004 bayith#, when thou shalt bring #H935 bow# (8686) a troop #H1416 g@duwd# suddenly #H6597 pith#owm# upon them: for they have digged #H3738 karah# (8804) a pit #H7745 shuwchah# (8675) #H7882 shiychah# to take #H3920 lakad# (8800) me, and hid #H2934 taman# (8804) snares #H6341 pach# for my feet #H7272 regel#.
strkjv@Jeremiah:18:23 @ Yet, LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#, thou knowest #H3045 yada# (8804) all their counsel #H6098 #etsah# against me to slay #H4194 maveth# me: forgive #H3722 kaphar# (8762) not their iniquity #H5771 #avon#, neither blot out #H4229 machah# (8686) their sin #H2403 chatta#ah# from thy sight #H6440 paniym#, but let them be overthrown #H3782 kashal# (8716) before #H6440 paniym# thee; deal #H6213 #asah# (8798) thus with them in the time #H6256 #eth# of thine anger #H639 #aph#.
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