strkjv@Jeremiah:51:11 @ Make bright #H1305 barar# (8685) the arrows #H2671 chets#; gather #H4390 male# (8798) the shields #H7982 shelet#: the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah# hath raised up #H5782 #uwr# (8689) the spirit #H7307 ruwach# of the kings #H4428 melek# of the Medes #H4074 Maday#: for his device #H4209 m@zimmah# is against Babylon #H894 Babel#, to destroy #H7843 shachath# (8687) it; because it is the vengeance #H5360 n@qamah# of the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#, the vengeance #H5360 n@qamah# of his temple #H1964 heykal#.
strkjv@Jeremiah:51:12 @ Set up #H5375 nasa# (8798) the standard #H5251 nec# upon the walls #H2346 chowmah# of Babylon #H894 Babel#, make the watch #H4929 mishmar# strong #H2388 chazaq# (8685), set up #H6965 quwm# (8685) the watchmen #H8104 shamar# (8802), prepare #H3559 kuwn# (8685) the ambushes #H693 #arab# (8802): for the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah# hath both devised #H2161 zamam# (8804) and done #H6213 #asah# (8804) that which he spake #H1696 dabar# (8765) against the inhabitants #H3427 yashab# (8802) of Babylon #H894 Babel#.
strkjv@Jeremiah:51:13 @ O thou that dwellest #H7931 shakan# (8802) (8675) #H7931 shakan# (8804) upon many #H7227 rab# waters #H4325 mayim#, abundant #H7227 rab# in treasures #H214 #owtsar#, thine end #H7093 qets# is come #H935 bow# (8802), and the measure #H520 #ammah# of thy covetousness #H1215 betsa# .
strkjv@Jeremiah:51:14 @ The LORD #H3068 Y@hovah# of hosts #H6635 tsaba# hath sworn #H7650 shaba# (8738) by himself #H5315 nephesh#, saying, Surely I will fill #H4390 male# (8765) thee with men #H120 #adam#, as with caterpillers #H3218 yekeq#; and they shall lift up #H6030 #anah# (8804) a shout #H1959 heydad# against thee.
strkjv@Jeremiah:51:15 @ He hath made #H6213 #asah# (8802) the earth #H776 #erets# by his power #H3581 koach#, he hath established #H3559 kuwn# (8688) the world #H8398 tebel# by his wisdom #H2451 chokmah#, and hath stretched out #H5186 natah# (8804) the heaven #H8064 shamayim# by his understanding #H8394 tabuwn#.
strkjv@Jeremiah:51:16 @ When he uttereth #H5414 nathan# (8800) his voice #H6963 qowl#, there is a multitude #H1995 hamown# of waters #H4325 mayim# in the heavens #H8064 shamayim#; and he causeth the vapours #H5387 nasiy# to ascend #H5927 #alah# (8686) from the ends #H7097 qatseh# of the earth #H776 #erets#: he maketh #H6213 #asah# (8804) lightnings #H1300 baraq# with rain #H4306 matar#, and bringeth forth #H3318 yatsa# (8686) the wind #H7307 ruwach# out of his treasures #H214 #owtsar#.
strkjv@Jeremiah:51:17 @ Every man #H120 #adam# is brutish #H1197 ba#ar# (8738) by his knowledge #H1847 da#ath#; every founder #H6884 tsaraph# (8802) is confounded #H3001 yabesh# (8689) by the graven image #H6459 pecel#: for his molten image #H5262 necek# is falsehood #H8267 sheqer#, and there is no breath #H7307 ruwach# in them.
strkjv@Jeremiah:51:18 @ They are vanity #H1892 hebel#, the work #H4639 ma#aseh# of errors #H8595 ta#tua# : in the time #H6256 #eth# of their visitation #H6486 p@quddah# they shall perish #H6 #abad# (8799).
strkjv@Jeremiah:51:19 @ The portion #H2506 cheleq# of Jacob #H3290 Ya#aqob# is not like them; for he is the former #H3335 yatsar# (8802) of all things: and Israel is the rod #H7626 shebet# of his inheritance #H5159 nachalah#: the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah# of hosts #H6635 tsaba# is his name #H8034 shem#.
strkjv@Jeremiah:51:20 @ Thou art my battle axe #H4661 mappets# and weapons #H3627 k@liy# of war #H4421 milchamah#: for with thee will I break in pieces #H5310 naphats# (8765) the nations #H1471 gowy#, and with thee will I destroy #H7843 shachath# (8689) kingdoms #H4467 mamlakah#;
strkjv@Jeremiah:51:21 @ And with thee will I break in pieces #H5310 naphats# (8765) the horse #H5483 cuwc# and his rider #H7392 rakab# (8802); and with thee will I break in pieces #H5310 naphats# (8765) the chariot #H7393 rekeb# and his rider #H7392 rakab# (8802);
strkjv@Jeremiah:51:22 @ With thee also will I break in pieces #H5310 naphats# (8765) man #H376 #iysh# and woman #H802 #ishshah#; and with thee will I break in pieces #H5310 naphats# (8765) old #H2205 zaqen# and young #H5288 na#ar#; and with thee will I break in pieces #H5310 naphats# (8765) the young man #H970 bachuwr# and the maid #H1330 b@thuwlah#;
strkjv@Jeremiah:51:23 @ I will also break in pieces #H5310 naphats# (8765) with thee the shepherd #H7462 ra#ah# (8802) and his flock #H5739 #eder#; and with thee will I break in pieces #H5310 naphats# (8765) the husbandman #H406 #ikkar# and his yoke of oxen #H6776 tsemed#; and with thee will I break in pieces #H5310 naphats# (8765) captains #H6346 pechah# and rulers #H5461 cagan#.
strkjv@Jeremiah:51:24 @ And I will render #H7999 shalam# (8765) unto Babylon #H894 Babel# and to all the inhabitants #H3427 yashab# (8802) of Chaldea #H3778 Kasdiy# all their evil #H7451 ra# that they have done #H6213 #asah# (8804) in Zion #H6726 Tsiyown# in your sight #H5869 #ayin#, saith #H5002 n@#um# (8803) the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#.
strkjv@Jeremiah:51:25 @ Behold, I am against thee, O destroying #H4889 mashchiyth# mountain #H2022 har#, saith #H5002 n@#um# (8803) the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#, which destroyest #H7843 shachath# (8688) all the earth #H776 #erets#: and I will stretch out #H5186 natah# (8804) mine hand #H3027 yad# upon thee, and roll thee down #H1556 galal# (8773) from the rocks #H5553 cela# , and will make #H5414 nathan# (8804) thee a burnt #H8316 s@rephah# mountain #H2022 har#.
strkjv@Jeremiah:51:26 @ And they shall not take #H3947 laqach# (8799) of thee a stone #H68 #eben# for a corner #H6438 pinnah#, nor a stone #H68 #eben# for foundations #H4146 mowcadah#; but thou shalt be desolate #H8077 sh@mamah# for ever #H5769 #owlam#, saith #H5002 n@#um# (8803) the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#.
strkjv@Jeremiah:51:27 @ Set ye up #H5375 nasa# (8798) a standard #H5251 nec# in the land #H776 #erets#, blow #H8628 taqa# (8798) the trumpet #H7782 showphar# among the nations #H1471 gowy#, prepare #H6942 qadash# (8761) the nations #H1471 gowy# against her, call together #H8085 shama# (8685) against her the kingdoms #H4467 mamlakah# of Ararat #H780 #Ararat#, Minni #H4508 Minniy#, and Ashchenaz #H813 #Ashk@naz#; appoint #H6485 paqad# (8798) a captain #H2951 tiphcar# against her; cause the horses #H5483 cuwc# to come up #H5927 #alah# (8685) as the rough #H5569 camar# caterpillers #H3218 yekeq#.
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