strkjv@Job:33:22 @ Yea, his soul #H5315 nephesh# draweth near #H7126 qarab# (8799) unto the grave #H7845 shachath#, and his life #H2416 chay# to the destroyers #H4191 muwth# (8688).
strkjv@Job:33:23 @ If there #H3426 yesh# be a messenger #H4397 mal#ak# with him, an interpreter #H3887 luwts# (8688), one #H259 #echad# among a thousand #H505 #eleph#, to shew #H5046 nagad# (8687) unto man #H120 #adam# his uprightness #H3476 yosher#:
strkjv@Job:33:24 @ Then he is gracious #H2603 chanan# (8799) unto him, and saith #H559 #amar# (8799), Deliver #H6308 pada# (8798) him from going down #H3381 yarad# (8800) to the pit #H7845 shachath#: I have found #H4672 matsa# (8804) a ransom #H3724 kopher#.
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