strkjv@Job:38:39 @ Wilt thou hunt #H6679 tsuwd# (8799) the prey #H2964 tereph# for the lion #H3833 labiy# ? or fill #H4390 male# (8762) the appetite #H2416 chay# of the young lions #H3715 k@phiyr#,
strkjv@Job:38:40 @ When they couch #H7817 shachach# (8799) in their dens #H4585 m@#ownah#, and abide #H3427 yashab# (8799) in the covert #H5521 cukkah# to #H3926 l@mow# lie in wait #H695 #ereb#?
strkjv@Job:38:41 @ Who provideth #H3559 kuwn# (8686) for the raven #H6158 #oreb# his food #H6718 tsayid#? when his young ones #H3206 yeled# cry #H7768 shava# (8762) unto God #H410 #el#, they wander #H8582 ta#ah# (8799) for lack #H1097 b@liy# of meat #H400 #okel#.
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