strkjv@Joel:3:18 @ And it shall come to pass in that day #H3117 yowm#, that the mountains #H2022 har# shall drop down #H5197 nataph# (8799) new wine #H6071 #aciyc#, and the hills #H1389 gib#ah# shall flow #H3212 yalak# (8799) with milk #H2461 chalab#, and all the rivers #H650 #aphiyq# of Judah #H3063 Y@huwdah# shall flow #H3212 yalak# (8799) with waters #H4325 mayim#, and a fountain #H4599 ma#yan# shall come forth #H3318 yatsa# (8799) of the house #H1004 bayith# of the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#, and shall water #H8248 shaqah# (8689) the valley #H5158 nachal# of Shittim #H7851 Shittiym#.
strkjv@Joel:3:19 @ Egypt #H4714 Mitsrayim# shall be a desolation #H8077 sh@mamah#, and Edom #H123 #Edom# shall be a desolate #H8077 sh@mamah# wilderness #H4057 midbar#, for the violence #H2555 chamac# against the children #H1121 ben# of Judah #H3063 Y@huwdah#, because they have shed #H8210 shaphak# (8804) innocent #H5355 naqiy# blood #H1818 dam# in their land #H776 #erets#.
strkjv@Joel:3:20 @ But Judah #H3063 Y@huwdah# shall dwell #H3427 yashab# (8799) for ever #H5769 #owlam#, and Jerusalem #H3389 Y@ruwshalaim# from generation #H1755 dowr# to generation #H1755 dowr#.
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