rwp@John:10:1 @{Verily, Verily} (\Amˆn, amˆn\). Solemn prelude by repetition as in 1:51|. The words do not ever introduce a fresh topic (cf. 8:34,51,58|). Songs:in 10:7|. The Pharisees had previously assumed (Vincent) they alone were the authoritative guides of the people (9:24,29|). Songs:Jesus has a direct word for them. Songs:Jesus begins this allegory in a characteristic way. John does not use the word \parabolˆ\, but \paroimia\ (verse 6|), and it really is an allegory of the Good Shepherd and self-explanatory like that of the Prodigal Son in kjv@Luke:15|. He first tells it in verses 1-5| and then explains and expands it in verses 7-18|. {Into the fold of the sheep} (\eis tˆn aulˆn t“n probat“n\). Originally \aulˆ\ (from \a“\, to blow) in Homer's time was just an uncovered space around the house enclosed by a wall, then a roofless enclosure in the country where flocks were herded as here and verse 16|. It later came to mean the house itself or palace (Matthew:26:3,58|, etc.). In the papyri it means the court attached to the house. {Climbeth up} (\anabain“n\). Present active participle of \anabain“\, to go up. One who goes up, not by the door, has to climb up over the wall. {Some other way} (\allachothen\). Rare word for old \allothen\, but in 4Macc. 1:7 and in a papyrus. Only here in N.T. {The same} (\ekeinos\). "That one" just described. {Is a thief and a robber} (\kleptˆs estin kai lˆistˆs\). Both old and common words (from \klept“\, to steal, \lˆizomai\, to plunder). The distinction is preserved in the N.T. as here. Judas was a \kleptˆs\ (John:12:6|), Barabbas a robber (18:40|) like the two robbers (Matthew:27:38,44|) crucified with Jesus erroneously termed thieves like "the thief on the cross" by most people. See kjv@Mark:11:17|. Here the man jumping over the wall comes to steal and to do it by violence like a bandit. He is both thief and robber.
rwp@John:10:2 @{The shepherd of the sheep} (\poimˆn estin t“n probat“n\). No article with \poimˆn\, "a shepherd to the sheep." He comes in by the door with the sheep whom he leads. Old word is \poimˆn\, root meaning to protect. Jesus applies it to himself in verse 16| and implies it here. It is used of Christ in kjv@1Peter:2:25; kjv@Hebrews:13:20|. Paul applies it to ministers in kjv@Ephesians:4:11|. Jesus uses the verb \poimain“\, to shepherd, to Peter (John:21:16|) and Peter uses it to other preachers (1Peter:5:2|) and Paul uses it for bishops (elders) in kjv@Acts:20:28|. Our word pastor is simply Latin for shepherd. Christ is drawing a sharp contrast after the conduct of the Pharisees towards the blind man between himself and them.
rwp@John:10:3 @{To him} (\tout“i\). "To this one," the shepherd, in dative case. {The porter} (\ho thur“ros\). Old word for doorkeeper (\thura\, door, \“ra\, care, carer for the door). Used for man (Mark:13:34; kjv@John:10:3|) or woman (John:18:16ff.|), only N.T. examples. The porter has charge of the sheep in the fold at night and opens the door in the morning for the shepherd. It is not certain that Jesus meant this detail to have a special application. The Holy Spirit, of course, does open the door of our hearts for Jesus through various agencies. {Hear his voice} (\tˆs ph“nˆs autou akouei\). Hear and heed (verse 27|). Note genitive case \ph“nˆs\ (accusative in 3:8|). {By name} (\kat' onoma\). Several flocks might be herded in the same fold overnight. But the shepherd knows his own (\ta idia\) sheep (verse 27|) and calls their names. "It is still common for Eastern shepherds to give particular names to their sheep" (Bernard). {And leadeth them out} (\kai exagei auta\). Old and common verb, present active indicative. The sheep follow readily (verse 27|) because they know their own shepherd's voice and his name for each of them and because he has led them out before. They love and trust their shepherd.
rwp@John:10:4 @{When he hath put forth all his own} (\hotan ta idia panta ekbalˆi\). Indefinite temporal clause with \hotan\ and the second aorist (effective) active subjunctive of \ekball“\. No need of the _futurum exactum_ idea, simply, "when he leads out all his own sheep." They are all out of the fold. He overlooks none. \Ekball“\ does mean "thrust out" if a reluctant sheep wishes to linger too long. {He goeth before them} (\emprosthen aut“n poreuetai\). Staff in hand he leads the way in front of the flock and they follow (\akolouthei\) him. What a lesson for pastors who seek to drive the church like cattle and fail. The true pastor leads in love, in words, in deeds.
rwp@John:10:5 @{A stranger} (\allotri“i\). Literally, "One belonging to another" (from \allos\, opposed to \idios\). A shepherd of another flock, it may be, not necessarily the thief and robber of verse 1|. Note associative instrumental case after \akolouthˆsousin\ (future active indicative of \akolouthe“\, verse 4|). Note the strong double negative \ou mˆ\ here with the future indicative, though usually with the aorist subjunctive (Aleph L W have it here). They simply will not follow such a man or woman, these well-trained sheep will not. {But will flee from him} (\alla pheuxontai ap' autou\). Future middle of \pheug“\ and ablative case with \apo\. They will flee as if from a wolf or from the plague. Alas and alas, if only our modern pastors had the sheep (old and young) so trained that they would run away from and not run after the strange voices that call them to false philosophy, false psychology, false ethics, false religion, false life.
rwp@John:10:6 @{This parable} (\tautˆn tˆn paroimian\). Old word for proverb from \para\ (beside) and \oimos\, way, a wayside saying or saying by the way. As a proverb in N.T. in kjv@2Peter:2:22| (quotation from kjv@Proverbs:26:11|), as a symbolic or figurative saying in kjv@John:16:25,29|, as an allegory in kjv@John:10:6|. Nowhere else in the N.T. Curiously enough in the N.T. \parabolˆ\ occurs only in the Synoptics outside of kjv@Hebrews:9:9; 11:19|. Both are in the LXX. \Parabolˆ\ is used as a proverb (Luke:4:23|) just as \paroimia\ is in kjv@2Peter:2:22|. Here clearly \paroimia\ means an allegory which is one form of the parable. Songs:there you are. Jesus spoke this \paroimia\ to the Pharisees, "but they understood not what things they were which he spake unto them" (\ekeinoi de ouk egn“san tina ˆn ha elalei autois\). Second aorist active indicative of \gin“sk“\ and note \ˆn\ in indirect question as in 2:25| and both the interrogative \tina\ and the relative \ha\. "Spake" (imperfect \elalei\) should be "Was speaking or had been speaking."
rwp@John:10:7 @{Therefore again} (\oun palin\). Jesus repeats the allegory with more detail and with more directness of application. Repeating a story is not usually an exhilarating experience. {I am the door of the sheep} (\eg“ eimi hˆ thura t“n probat“n\). The door for the sheep by which they enter. "He is the legitimate door of access to the spiritual \aulˆ\, the Fold of the House of Israel, the door by which a true shepherd must enter" (Bernard). He repeats it in verse 9|. This is a new idea, not in the previous story (1-5|). Moffatt follows the Sahidic in accepting \ho poimˆn\ here instead of \hˆ thura\, clearly whimsical. Jesus simply changes the metaphor to make it plainer. They were doubtless puzzled by the meaning of the door in verse 1|. Once more, this metaphor should help those who insist on the literal meaning of bread as the actual body of Christ in kjv@Mark:14:22|. Jesus is not a physical "door," but he is the only way of entrance into the Kingdom of God (14:6|).
rwp@John:10:8 @{Before me} (\pro emou\). Aleph with the Latin, Syriac, and Sahidic versions omit these words (supported by A B D L W). But with or without \pro emou\ Jesus refers to the false Messiahs and self-appointed leaders who made havoc of the flock. These are the thieves and robbers, not the prophets and sincere teachers of old. The reference is to verse 1|. There had been numerous such impostors already (Josephus, _Ant_. XVIII. i. 6; _War_ II. viii. I) and Jesus will predict many more (Matthew:24:23f.|). They keep on coming, these wolves in sheep's clothing (Matthew:7:15|) who grow rich by fooling the credulous sheep. In this case "the sheep did not hear them" (\ouk ˆkousan aut“n ta probata\). First aorist active indicative with genitive. Fortunate sheep who knew the Shepherd's voice.
rwp@John:10:9 @{The door} (\hˆ thura\). Repeated from verse 7|. {By me if any man enter in} (\di' emou ean tis eiselthˆi\). Condition of third class with \ean\ and second aorist active subjunctive of \eiserchomai\. Note proleptic and emphatic position of \di' emou\. One can call this narrow intolerance, if he will, but it is the narrowness of truth. If Jesus is the Son of God sent to earth for our salvation, he is the only way. He had already said it in 5:23|. He will say it again more sharply in 14:6|. It is unpalatable to the religious dogmatists before him as it is to the liberal dogmatists today. Jesus offers the open door to "any one" (\tis\) who is willing (\thelei\) to do God's will (7:17|). {He shall be saved} (\s“thˆsetai\). Future passive of \s“z“\, the great word for salvation, from \s“s\, safe and sound. The sheep that comes into the fold through Jesus as the door will be safe from thieves and robbers for one thing. He will have entrance (\eisleusetai\) and outgo (\exeleusetai\), he will be at home in the daily routine (cf. kjv@Acts:1:21|) of the sheltered flock. {And shall find pasture} (\kai nomˆn heurˆsei\). Future (linear future) indicative of \heurisk“\, old word from \nem“\, to pasture. In N.T. only here and kjv@2Timothy:2:17| (in sense of growth). This same phrase occurs in kjv@1Chronicles:4:40|. The shepherd leads the sheep to pasture, but this phrase pictures the joy of the sheep in the pasture provided by the shepherd.
rwp@John:10:10 @{But that he may steal, and kill, and destroy} (\ei mˆ hina klepsˆi kai thusˆi kai apolesˆi\). Literally, "except that" (\ei mˆ\) common without (Matthew:12:4|) and with verb (Galatians:1:7|), "if not" (literally), followed here by final \hina\ and three aorist active subjunctives as sometimes by \hotan\ (Mark:9:9|) or \hoti\ (2Corinthians:12:13|). Note the order of the verbs. Stealing is the purpose of the thief, but he will kill and destroy if necessary just like the modern bandit or gangster. {I came that they may have life} (\eg“ ˆlthon hina z“ˆn ech“sin\). In sharp contrast (\eg“\) as the good shepherd with the thieves and robbers of verse 1| came Jesus. Note present active subjunctive (\ech“sin\), "that they (people) may keep on having life (eternal, he means)" as he shows in 10:28|. He is "the life" (14:6|). {And may have it abundantly} (\kai perisson ech“sin\). Repetition of \ech“sin\ (may keep on having) abundance (\perisson\, neuter singular of \perissos\). Xenophon (_Anab_. VII. vi. 31) uses \perisson echein\, "to have a surplus," true to the meaning of overflow from \peri\ (around) seen in Paul's picture of the overplus (\hupereperisseusen\ in kjv@Romans:5:20|) of grace. Abundance of life and all that sustains life, Jesus gives.
rwp@John:10:11 @{I am the good shepherd} (\eg“ eimi ho poimˆn ho kalos\). Note repetition of the article, "the shepherd the good one." Takes up the metaphor of verses 2ff|. Vulgate _pastor bonus_. Philo calls his good shepherd \agathos\, but \kalos\ calls attention to the beauty in character and service like "good stewards" (1Peter:4:10|), "a good minister of Christ Jesus" (1Timothy:4:6|). Often both adjectives appear together in the ancient Greek as once in the New Testament (Luke:8:15|). "Beauty is as beauty does." That is \kalos\. {Layeth down his life for his sheep} (\tˆn psuchˆn autou tithˆsin huper t“n probat“n\). For illustration see kjv@1Samuel:17:35| (David's experience) and kjv@Isaiah:31:4|. Dods quotes Xenophon (_Mem_. ii. 7, 14) who pictures even the sheep dog as saying to the sheep: "For I am the one that saves you also so that you are neither stolen by men nor seized by wolves." Hippocrates has \psuchˆn katetheto\ (he laid down his life, i.e. died). In kjv@Judges:12:3| \ethˆka tˆn psuchˆn\ means "I risked my life." The true physician does this for his patient as the shepherd for his sheep. The use of \huper\ here (over, in behalf of, instead of), but in the papyri \huper\ is the usual preposition for substitution rather than \anti\. This shepherd gives his life for the sin of the world (1:29; kjv@1John:2:2|).
rwp@John:10:12 @{He that is a hireling} (\ho misth“tos\). Old word from \mistho“\, to hire (Matthew:20:1|) from \misthos\ (hire, wages, kjv@Luke:10:7|), in N.T. only in this passage. Literally, "the hireling and not being a shepherd" (\ho misth“tos kai ouk “n poimˆn\). Note \ouk\ with the participle \“n\ to emphasize the certainty that he is not a shepherd in contrast with \mˆ eiserchomenos\ in verse 1| (conceived case). See same contrast in kjv@1Peter:1:8| between \ouk idontes\ and \mˆ hor“ntes\. The hireling here is not necessarily the thief and robber of verses 1,8|. He may conceivably be a nominal shepherd (pastor) of the flock who serves only for the money, a sin against which Peter warned the shepherds of the flock "not for shameful gain" (1Peter:5:2|). {Whose own} (\hou idia\). Every true shepherd considers the sheep in his care "his own" (\idia\) even if he does not actually "own" them. The mere "hireling" does not feel so. {Beholdeth} (\the“rei\). Vivid dramatic present, active indicative of \the“re“\, a graphic picture. {The wolf coming} (\ton lukon erchomenon\). Present middle predicate participle of \erchomai\. {Leaveth the sheep, and fleeth} (\aphiˆsin ta probata kai pheugei\). Graphic present actives again of \aphiˆmi\ and \pheug“\. The cowardly hireling cares naught for the sheep, but only for his own skin. The wolf was the chief peril to sheep in Palestine. See kjv@Matthew:10:6| where Jesus says: "Behold I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves." {And the wolf snatcheth them and scattereth them} (\kai ho lukos harpazei kai skorpizei\). Vivid parenthesis in the midst of the picture of the conduct of the hireling. Bold verbs these. For the old verb \harpaz“\ see kjv@John:6:15; kjv@Matthew:11:12|, and for \skorpiz“\, late word (Plutarch) for the Attic \skedannumi\, see kjv@Matthew:12:30|. It occurs in the vision of Ezekiel (Ezekiel:34:5|) where because of the careless shepherds "the sheep became meat to all the beasts of the field, and were scattered." Jesus uses \harpaz“\ in 10:29| where no one is able "to snatch" one out of the Father's hand.
rwp@John:10:13 @{Because he is a hireling} (\hoti misth“tos estin\). And only that, without the shepherd heart that loves the sheep. Reason given for the conduct of the hireling after the parenthesis about the wolf. {And careth not for the sheep} (\kai ou melei aut“i peri t“n probat“n\). Literally, "and it is no care to him about the sheep." This use of the impersonal \melei\ (present active indicative) is quite common, as in kjv@Matthew:22:16|. But God does care (1Peter:5:7|).
rwp@John:10:14 @{I am the good-shepherd} (\eg“ eimi ho poimˆn ho kalos\). Effective repetition. {And mine own know me} (\kai gin“skousin me ta ema\). Jesus as the Good Shepherd knows his sheep by name as he had already said (verse 3|) and now repeats. Yes, and they know his voice (verse 4|), they have experimental knowledge (\gin“sk“\) of Jesus as their own Shepherd. Here (in this mutually reciprocal knowledge) lies the secret of their love and loyalty.
rwp@John:10:15 @{And I know the Father} (\kag“ gin“sk“ ton patera\). Hence he is qualified to reveal the Father (1:18|). The comparison of the mutually reciprocal knowledge between the Father and the Son illustrates what he has just said, though it stands above all else (Matthew:11:27; kjv@Luke:10:22; kjv@John:17:21-26|). We cannot claim such perfect knowledge of the Good Shepherd as exists between the Father and the Son and yet the real sheep do know the Shepherd's voice and do love to follow his leadership here and now in spite of thieves, robbers, wolves, hirelings. {And I lay down my life for the sheep} (\kai tˆn psuchˆn mou tithˆmi huper t“n probat“n\). This he had said in verse 11|, but he repeats it now for clearness. This he does not just as an example for the sheep and for under-shepherds, but primarily to save the sheep from the wolves, the thieves and robbers.
rwp@John:10:16 @{Other sheep} (\alla probata\). Sheep, not goats, but "not of this fold" (\ek tˆs aulˆs tautˆs\). See verse 1| for \aulˆ\. Clearly "his flock is not confined to those enclosed in the Jewish fold, whether in Palestine or elsewhere" (Westcott). Christ's horizon takes in all men of all races and times (John:11:52; 12:32|). The world mission of Christ for all nations is no new idea with him (Matthew:8:11; kjv@Luke:13:28|). God loved the world and gave his Son for the race (\John 3:16\), {Them also I must bring} (\kakeina dei me agagein\). Second aorist active infinitive of \ag“\ with \dei\ expressing the moral urgency of Christ's passion for God's people in all lands and ages. Missions in Christ's mind takes in the whole world. This is according to prophecy (Isaiah:42:6; 49:6; 56:8|) for the Messiah is to be a Light also to the Gentiles. It was typified by the brazen serpent (John:3:14|). Christ died for every man. The Pharisees doubtless listened in amazement and even the disciples with slow comprehension. {And they shall hear my voice} (\kai tˆs ph“nˆs mou akousontai\). Future middle indicative of \akou“\ with the genitive \ph“nˆs\. These words read like a transcript from the Acts and the Epistles of Paul (Romans:9-11| in particular). See especially Paul's words in kjv@Acts:28:28|. Present-day Christianity is here foretold. Only do we really listen to the voice of the Shepherd as we should? Jesus means that the Gentiles will hearken if the Jews turn away from him. {And they shall become one flock, one shepherd} (\kai genˆsontai mia poimnˆ, heis poimˆn\). Future middle indicative of \ginomai\, plural, not singular \genˆsetai\ as some MSS. have it. All (Jews and Gentiles) will form one flock under one Shepherd. Note the distinction here by Jesus between \poimnˆ\ (old word, contraction of \poimenˆ\ from \poimˆn\, shepherd), as in kjv@Matthew:26:31|, and \aulˆ\ (fold) just before. There may be many folds of the one flock. Jerome in his Vulgate confused this distinction, but he is wrong. His use of _ovile_ for both \aulˆ\ and \pomnion\ has helped Roman Catholic assumptions. Christ's use of "flock" (\poimnˆ\) here is just another metaphor for kingdom (\basileia\) in kjv@Matthew:8:11| where the children of the kingdom come from all climes and nations. See also the various metaphors in kjv@Ephesians:2| for this same idea. There is only the one Great Shepherd of the sheep (Hebrews:13:20|), Jesus Christ our Lord.
rwp@John:10:17 @{For this reason} (\dia touto\). Points to the following \hoti\ clause. The Father's love for the Son is drawn out (John:3:16|) by the voluntary offering of the Son for the sin of the world (Romans:5:8|). Hence the greater exaltation (Phillipians:2:9|). Jesus does for us what any good shepherd does (10:11|) as he has already said (10:15|). The value of the atoning death of Christ lies in the fact that he is the Son of God, the Son of Man, free of sin, and that he makes the offering voluntarily (Hebrews:9:14|). {That I may take it again} (\hina palin lab“ autˆn\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and second aorist active subjunctive of \lamban“\. He looked beyond his death on the Cross to the resurrection. "The purpose of the Passion was not merely to exhibit his unselfish love; it was in order that He might resume His life, now enriched with quickening power as never before" (Bernard). The Father raised Jesus from the dead (Acts:2:32|). There is spontaneity in the surrender to death and in the taking life back again (Dods).
rwp@John:10:18 @{No one taketh it away from me} (\oudeis airei autˆn ap' emou\). But Aleph B read \ˆren\ (first aorist active indicative of \air“\, to take away), probably correct (Westcott and Hort). "John is representing Jesus as speaking _sub specie aeternitatis_" (Bernard). He speaks of his death as already past and the resurrection as already accomplished. Cf. kjv@John:3:16|. {Of myself} (\ap' emautou\). The voluntariness of the death of Jesus repeated and sharpened. D omits it, probably because of superficial and apparent conflict with 5:19|. But there is no inconsistency as is shown by kjv@John:3:16; kjv@Romans:5:8|. The Father "gave" the Son who was glad to be given and to give himself. {I have power to lay it down} (\exousian ech“ theinai autˆn\). \Exousia\ is not an easy word to translate (right, authority, power, privilege). See 1:12|. Restatement of the voluntariness of his death for the sheep.
rwp@John:10:18 @{And I have power to take it again} (\kai exousian ech“ palin labein autˆn\). Note second aorist active infinitive in both cases (\theinai\ from \tithˆmi\ and \labein\ from \lamban“\), single acts. Recall 2:19| where Jesus said: "And in three days I will raise it up." He did not mean that he will raise himself from the dead independently of the Father as the active agent (Romans:8:11|). {I received from my Father} (\elabon para tou patros mou\). Second aorist active indicative of \lamban“\. He always follows the Father's command (\entolˆ\) in all things (12:49f.; 14:31|). Songs:now he is doing the Father's will about his death and resurrection.
rwp@John:10:19 @{There arose a division again} (\schisma palin egeneto\). As in 7:43| in the crowd (also in 7:12,31|), so now among the hostile Jews (Pharisees) some of whom had previously professed belief in him (8:31|). The direct reference of \palin\ (again) may be to 9:16| when the Pharisees were divided over the problem of the blind man. Division of opinion about Jesus is a common thing in John's Gospel (6:52,60,66; 7:12,25ff.; 8:22; 9:16f.; 10:19,24,41; 11:41ff.; 12:19,29,42; 16:18f.|).
rwp@John:10:20 @{He has a demon and is mad} (\daimonion echei kai mainetai\). As some had already said (7:20; 8:48| with the addition of "Samaritan"). Songs:long before in kjv@Mark:3:21|. An easy way of discounting Jesus.
rwp@John:10:21 @{Of one possessed with a demon} (\daimonizomenou\). Genitive of present passive participle of \daimoniz“\. They had heard demoniacs talk, but not like this. {Can a demon open the eyes of the blind?} (\mˆ daimonion dunatai tuphlon ophthalmous anoixai;\). Negative answer expected. Demons would more likely put out eyes, not open them. It was an unanswerable question.
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