strkjv@John:15:12 @ This #G3778 is #G2076 (5748) my #G1699 commandment #G1785 , That #G2443 ye love #G25 (5725) one another #G240 , as #G2531 I have loved #G25 (5656) you #G5209 .
strkjv@John:15:13 @ Greater #G3187 # love #G26 hath #G2192 (5719) no man #G3762 than #G3187 this #G5026 , that #G2443 a man #G5100 lay down #G5087 (5632) his #G846 life #G5590 for #G5228 his #G846 friends #G5384 .
strkjv@John:15:14 @ Ye #G5210 are #G2075 (5748) my #G3450 friends #G5384 , if #G1437 ye do #G4160 (5725) whatsoever #G3745 I #G1473 command #G1781 (5736) you #G5213 .
strkjv@John:15:15 @ Henceforth #G3765 # I call #G3004 (5719) you #G5209 not #G3765 servants #G1401 ; for #G3754 the servant #G1401 knoweth #G1492 (5758) not #G3756 what #G5101 his #G846 lord #G2962 doeth #G4160 (5719): but #G1161 I have called #G2046 (5758) you #G5209 friends #G5384 ; for #G3754 all things #G3956 that #G3739 I have heard #G191 (5656) of #G3844 my #G3450 Father #G3962 I have made known #G1107 (5656) unto you #G5213 .
strkjv@John:15:16 @ Ye #G5210 have #G1586 # not #G3756 chosen #G1586 (5668) me #G3165 , but #G235 I #G1473 have chosen #G1586 (5668) you #G5209 , and #G2532 ordained #G5087 (5656) you #G5209 , that #G2443 ye #G5210 should go #G5217 (5725) and #G2532 bring forth #G5342 (5725) fruit #G2590 , and #G2532 that your #G5216 fruit #G2590 should remain #G3306 (5725): that #G2443 whatsoever #G3739 #G302 #G3748 ye shall ask #G154 (5661) of the Father #G3962 in #G1722 my #G3450 name #G3686 , he may give it #G1325 (5632) you #G5213 .
strkjv@John:15:17 @ These things #G5023 I command #G1781 (5736) you #G5213 , that #G2443 ye love #G25 (5725) one another #G240 .
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