rwp@John:3:3 @{Except a man be born anew} (\ean mˆ tis gennˆthˆi an“then\). Another condition of the third class, undetermined but with prospect of determination. First aorist passive subjunctive of \genna“\. \An“then\. Originally "from above" (Mark:15:38|), then "from heaven" (John:3:31|), then "from the first" (Luke:1:3|), and then "again" (\palin an“then\, kjv@Galatians:4:9|). Which is the meaning here? The puzzle of Nicodemus shows (\deuteron\, verse 4|) that he took it as "again," a second birth from the womb. The Vulgate translates it by _renatus fuerit denuo_. But the misapprehension of Nicodemus does not prove the meaning of Jesus. In the other passages in John (3:31; 19:11,23|) the meaning is "from above" (\desuper\) and usually so in the Synoptics. It is a second birth, to be sure, regeneration, but a birth from above by the Spirit. {He cannot see the kingdom of God} (\ou dunatai idein tˆn basileian tou theou\). To participate in it as in kjv@Luke:9:27|. For this use of \idein\ (second aorist active infinitive of \hora“\) see kjv@John:8:51; kjv@Revelation:18:7|.
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