rwp@John:6:1 @{After these things} (\meta tauta\). A common, but indefinite, note of time in John (3:22; 5:1; 6:1; 7:1|). The phrase does not mean immediate sequence of events. As a matter of fact, a whole year may intervene between the events of chapter 5 in Jerusalem and those in chapter 6 in Galilee. There is no sufficient reason for believing that chapter 6 originally preceded chapter 5. The feeding of the five thousand is the only event before the last visit to Jerusalem recorded in all Four Gospels (Mark:6:30-44; kjv@Matthew:14:13-21; kjv@Luke:9:10-17; kjv@John:6:1-13|). The disciples have returned from the tour of Galilee and report to Jesus. It was the passover time (John:6:4|) just a year before the end. {To the other side of the Sea of Galilee} (\peran tˆs thalassˆs tˆs Galilaias\). The name given in Mark and Matthew. It is called Gennesaret in kjv@Luke:5:1| and "Sea of Tiberias" in kjv@John:21:1|. Here "of Tiberias" (\tˆs Tiberiados\) is added as further description. Herod Antipas A.D. 22 built Tiberias to the west of the Sea of Galilee and made it his capital. See verse 23| for this city. Luke (Luke:9:10|) explains that it was the eastern Bethsaida (Julias) to which Jesus took the disciples, not the western Bethsaida of kjv@Mark:6:45| in Galilee.
rwp@John:6:2 @{Followed} (\ˆkolouthei\). Descriptive imperfect active, picturing the crowd, but without the details of the boat for Christ and the rapid race of the crowd on foot (Mark:6:32f.; kjv@Matthew:14:13f.|). {They beheld} (\ethe“roun\). Imperfect active of \the“re“\. They had been beholding the signs which Jesus had been doing (\epoiei\, imperfect again) for a long time (2:23|), most of which John has not given (Mark:1:29f.; 2:1; 3:1; 6:5|). The people were eager to hear Jesus again (Luke:9:11|) and to get the benefit of his healing power "on them that were sick" (\epi t“n asthenount“n\, the weak or feeble, without strength, \a\ privative and \sthenos\, strength).
rwp@John:6:3 @{Into the mountain} (\eis to oros\). From the level of the Jordan valley up into the high hill on the eastern side. Mark (Mark:6:46|) and Matthew (Matthew:14:23|) mention that after the miracle Jesus went further up into the mountain to pray. {Sat} (\ekathˆto\). Imperfect middle of \kathˆmai\, was sitting, a picture of repose.
rwp@John:6:4 @{The feast of the Jews} (\hˆ heortˆ t“n Ioudai“n\). Here used of the passover (\to pascha\) as in 7:2| of the tabernacles. This is probably the third passover in Christ's ministry (2:13| and one unmentioned unless 5:1| be it). In 2:13|, here, and 11:55| (the last one) the adverb \eggus\ (near) is used. John is fond of notes of time. Jesus failed to go to this passover because of the hostility in Jerusalem (7:1|).
rwp@John:6:5 @{Lifting up his eyes} (\eparas tous ophthalmous\). First aorist active participle of \epair“\. See the same phrase in 4:35| where it is also followed by \theaomai\; 11:41; 17:1; kjv@Luke:6:20|. Here it is particularly expressive as Jesus looked down from the mountain on the approaching multitude. {Cometh unto him} (\erchetai pros auton\). Present middle indicative, "is coming to him." The same \ochlos polus\ (here \polus ochlos\) of verse 2| that had followed Jesus around the head of the lake. {Whence are we to buy?} (\Pothen agoras“men;\). Deliberative subjunctive (aorist active). John passes by the earlier teaching and healing of the Synoptics (Mark:6:34f.; kjv@Matthew:14:14f.; kjv@Luke:9:11f.|) till mid-afternoon. In John also Jesus takes up the matter of feeding the multitude with Philip (from the other Bethsaida, 1:44|) whereas in the Synoptics the disciples raise the problem with Jesus. Songs:the disciples raise the problem in the feeding of the four thousand (Mark:8:4; kjv@Matthew:15:33|). See kjv@Numbers:11:13-22| (about Moses) and kjv@2Kings:4:42f|. (about Elisha). {Bread} (\artous\). "Loaves" (plural) as in kjv@Matthew:4:3|. {That these may eat} (\hina phag“sin houtoi\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the second aorist active subjunctive of \esthi“\ (defective verb).
rwp@John:6:6 @{To prove him} (\peiraz“n auton\). Present active participle of \peiraz“\, testing him, not here in bad sense of tempting as so often (Matthew:4:1|). {What he would do} (\ti ˆmellen poiein\). Indirect question with change of tense to imperfect. As in 2:25| so here John explains why Jesus put the question to Philip.
rwp@John:6:7 @{Two hundred pennyworth of bread} (\diakosi“n dˆnari“n artoi\). "Loaves of two hundred denarii." The Roman coin originally for ten asses (afterwards sixteen), about 16 2/3 cents. The denarius was the usual pay for a day's labour (Matthew:20:2,9,13|). This item in kjv@Mark:6:37|, but not in Matthew or Luke. {That every one may take a little} (\hina hekastos brachu labˆi\). Final clause with \hina\ and second aorist active subjunctive of \lamban“\. This detail in John alone.
rwp@John:6:8 @{One of} (\heis ek\). Songs:in 12:4|; 13:23; kjv@Mark:13:1| without \ek\. {Simon Peter's brother} (\ho adelphos Sim“nos Petrou\). Songs:described in 1:40|. The great distinction of Andrew was precisely this that he brought Simon to Christ. Philip and Andrew appear together again in 12:20-22|, but in the Synoptics he is distinguished only in kjv@Mark:13:3|. In the Muratorian Fragment Andrew received the revelation for John to write the Fourth Gospel.
rwp@John:6:9 @{A lad here} (\paidarion h“de\). Old word, diminutive of \pais\, here only in N.T., not genuine in kjv@Matthew:11:16|. How he came to have this small supply we do not know. {Barley} (\krithinous\). Adjective, here and verse 13| only in N.T., in the papyri, from \krithˆ\, barley (Revelation:6:6|). Considered an inferior sort of bread. {Fishes} (\opsaria\). Late diminutive of \opson\, common in papyri and inscriptions for delicacies with bread like fish. In N.T. only here, verse 11; 21:9-13|. Synoptics have \ichthuas\.
rwp@John:6:10 @{Sit down} (\anapesein\). Literally, "fall back," lie down, recline. Second aorist active infinitive of \anapipt“\. {Much grass} (\chortos polus\). Old word for pasture, green grass (Mark:6:39|) or hay (1Corinthians:3:12|). It was spring (John:6:4|) and plenty of green grass on the hillside. {The men} (\hoi andres\). Word for men as distinct from women, expressly stated in kjv@Matthew:14:21|. {In number} (\ton arithmon\). Adverbial accusative (of general reference). {About} (\hos\). General estimate, though they were arranged in orderly groups by hundreds and fifties, "in ranks" like "garden beds" (\prasiai\, kjv@Mark:6:40|).
rwp@John:6:11 @{The loaves} (\tous artous\). Those of verse 9|. {Having given thanks} (\eucharistˆsas\). The usual grace before meals (Deuteronomy:8:10|). The Synoptics use "blessed" \eulogˆsen\ (Mark:6:41; kjv@Matthew:14:19; kjv@Luke:9:16|). {He distributed} (\died“ken\). First aorist active indicative of \diadid“mi\, old verb to give to several (\dia\, between). {To them that were set down} (\tois anakeimenois\). Present middle participle (dative case) of \anakeimai\, old verb to recline like \anapesein\ in verse 10|. {As much as they would} (\hoson ˆthelon\). Imperfect active of \thel“\, "as much as they wished."
rwp@John:6:12 @{And when they were filled} (\h“s de eneplˆsthˆsan\). First aorist (effective) passive indicative of \empimplˆmi\, old verb to fill in, to fill up, to fill completely. They were all satisfied. The Synoptics have \echortasthˆsan\ like kjv@John:6:26| (\echortasthˆte\). {Gather up} (\sunagagete\). Second aorist active imperative of \sunag“\, to gather together. {Broken pieces} (\klasmata\). From \kla“\, to break. Not crumbs or scraps on the ground, but pieces broken by Jesus (Mark:6:41|) and not consumed. {Be lost} (\apolˆtai\). Second aorist middle subjunctive of \apollumi\ with \hina\ in purpose clause. Only in John. There was to be no wastefulness in Christ's munificence. The Jews had a custom of leaving something for those that served.
rwp@John:6:13 @{Twelve baskets} (\d“deka kophinous\). One for each of the apostles. What about the lad? Stout wicker baskets (coffins, Wycliff) in distinction from the soft and frail \sphurides\ used at the feeding of the four thousand (Mark:8:8; kjv@Matthew:15:37|). Here all the Gospels (Mark:6:43; kjv@Matthew:14:20; kjv@Luke:9:17; kjv@John:6:13|) use \kophinoi\. The same distinction between \kophinoi\ and \sphurides\ is preserved in the allusion to the incidents by Jesus in kjv@Mark:8:19,20; kjv@Matthew:16:9,10|. {Unto them that had eaten} (\tois bebr“kosin\). Articular perfect active participle (dative case) of \bibr“sk“\, old verb to eat, only here in N.T., though often in LXX.
rwp@John:6:14 @{Saw the sign which he did} (\idontes ha epoiˆsen sˆmeia\). "Signs" oldest MSS. have. This sign added to those already wrought (verse 2|). Cf. 2:23; 3:2|. {They said} (\elegon\). Inchoative imperfect, began to say. {Of a truth} (\alˆth“s\). Common adverb (from \alˆthˆs\) in John (7:40|). {The prophet that cometh} (\ho prophˆtˆs ho erchomenos\). There was a popular expectation about the prophet of kjv@Deuteronomy:18:15| as being the Messiah (John:1:21; 11:27|). The phrase is peculiar to John, but the idea is in Acts (3:22; 7:37|). The people are on the tiptoe of expectation and believe that Jesus is the political Messiah of Pharisaic hope.
rwp@John:6:15 @{Perceiving} (\gnous\). Second aorist active participle of \gin“sk“\. It was not hard for Christ to read the mind of this excited mob. {They were about} (\mellousin\). Present active indicative of \mell“\. Probably the leaders were already starting. {Take him by force} (\harpazein\). Present active infinitive of \harpaz“\, old verb for violent seizing (Matthew:11:12; 13:19|). There was a movement to start a revolution against Roman rule in Palestine by proclaiming Jesus King and driving away Pilate. {To make him king} (\hina poiˆs“sin basilea\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the first aorist active subjunctive of \poie“\ with \basilea\ as predicate accusative. It was a crisis that called for quick action. {Himself alone} (\autos monos\). At first he had the disciples with him (verse 3|). But he sent them hurriedly by boat to the western side (Mark:6:45f.; kjv@Matthew:14:22f.|) because clearly the apostles were sympathetic with the revolutionary impulse of the crowd. Then Jesus sent the multitudes away also and went up into the mountain alone. He was alone in every sense, for no one but the Father understood him at this stage, not even his own disciples. He went up to pray (Mark:6:46; kjv@Matthew:14:23|).
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