strkjv@Joshua:22:12 @ And when the children #H1121 ben# of Israel #H3478 Yisra#el# heard #H8085 shama# (8799) of it, the whole congregation #H5712 #edah# of the children #H1121 ben# of Israel #H3478 Yisra#el# gathered themselves together #H6950 qahal# (8735) at Shiloh #H7887 Shiyloh#, to go up #H5927 #alah# (8800) to war #H6635 tsaba# against them.
strkjv@Joshua:22:13 @ And the children #H1121 ben# of Israel #H3478 Yisra#el# sent #H7971 shalach# (8799) unto the children #H1121 ben# of Reuben #H7205 R@#uwben#, and to the children #H1121 ben# of Gad #H1410 Gad#, and to the half #H2677 chetsiy# tribe #H7626 shebet# of Manasseh #H4519 M@nashsheh#, into the land #H776 #erets# of Gilead #H1568 Gil#ad#, Phinehas #H6372 Piyn@chac# the son #H1121 ben# of Eleazar #H499 #El#azar# the priest #H3548 kohen#,
strkjv@Joshua:22:14 @ And with him ten #H6235 #eser# princes #H5387 nasiy# , of each #H259 #echad# #H259 #echad# chief #H5387 nasiy# #H5387 nasiy# house #H1004 bayith# a prince #H1 #ab# throughout all the tribes #H4294 matteh# of Israel #H3478 Yisra#el#; and each one #H376 #iysh# was an head #H7218 ro#sh# of the house #H1004 bayith# of their fathers #H1 #ab# among the thousands #H505 #eleph# of Israel #H3478 Yisra#el#.
strkjv@Joshua:22:15 @ And they came #H935 bow# (8799) unto the children #H1121 ben# of Reuben #H7205 R@#uwben#, and to the children #H1121 ben# of Gad #H1410 Gad#, and to the half #H2677 chetsiy# tribe #H7626 shebet# of Manasseh #H4519 M@nashsheh#, unto the land #H776 #erets# of Gilead #H1568 Gil#ad#, and they spake #H1696 dabar# (8762) with them, saying #H559 #amar# (8800),
strkjv@Joshua:22:16 @ Thus saith #H559 #amar# (8804) the whole congregation #H5712 #edah# of the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#, What trespass #H4604 ma#al# is this that ye have committed #H4603 ma#al# (8804) against the God #H430 #elohiym# of Israel #H3478 Yisra#el#, to turn away #H7725 shuwb# (8800) this day #H3117 yowm# from following #H310 #achar# the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#, in that ye have builded #H1129 banah# (8800) you an altar #H4196 mizbeach#, that ye might rebel #H4775 marad# (8800) this day #H3117 yowm# against the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#?
strkjv@Joshua:22:17 @ Is the iniquity #H5771 #avon# of Peor #H6465 P@#owr# too little #H4592 m@#at# for us, from which we are not cleansed #H2891 taher# (8694) until this day #H3117 yowm#, although there was a plague #H5063 negeph# in the congregation #H5712 #edah# of the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#,
strkjv@Joshua:22:18 @ But that ye must turn away #H7725 shuwb# (8799) this day #H3117 yowm# from following #H310 #achar# the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#? and it will be, seeing ye rebel #H4775 marad# (8799) to day #H3117 yowm# against the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#, that to morrow #H4279 machar# he will be wroth #H7107 qatsaph# (8799) with the whole congregation #H5712 #edah# of Israel #H3478 Yisra#el#.
strkjv@Joshua:22:19 @ Notwithstanding #H389 #ak#, if the land #H776 #erets# of your possession #H272 #achuzzah# be unclean #H2931 tame# , then pass ye over #H5674 #abar# (8798) unto the land #H776 #erets# of the possession #H272 #achuzzah# of the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#, wherein the LORDS #H3068 Y@hovah# tabernacle #H4908 mishkan# dwelleth #H7931 shakan# (8804), and take possession #H270 #achaz# (8734) among #H8432 tavek# us: but rebel #H4775 marad# (8799) not against the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#, nor #H408 #al# rebel #H4775 marad# (8799) against us, in building #H1129 banah# (8800) you an altar #H4196 mizbeach# beside #H1107 bil#adey# the altar #H4196 mizbeach# of the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah# our God #H430 #elohiym#.
strkjv@Joshua:22:20 @ Did not Achan #H5912 #Akan# the son #H1121 ben# of Zerah #H2226 Zerach# commit #H4603 ma#al# (8804) a trespass #H4604 ma#al# in the accursed thing #H2764 cherem#, and wrath #H7110 qetseph# fell #H1961 hayah# (8804) on all the congregation #H5712 #edah# of Israel #H3478 Yisra#el#? and that man #H376 #iysh# perished #H1478 gava# (8804) not alone #H259 #echad# in his iniquity #H5771 #avon#.
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