strkjv@Jude:1:3 @ Beloved #G27 , when I gave #G4160 (5734) all #G3956 diligence #G4710 to write #G1125 (5721) unto you #G5213 of #G4012 the common #G2839 salvation #G4991 , it was #G2192 # needful #G318 for me #G2192 (5627) to write #G1125 (5658) unto you #G5213 , and exhort #G3870 (5723) you that ye should earnestly contend #G1864 (5738) for the faith #G4102 which was once #G530 delivered #G3860 (5685) unto the saints #G40 .
strkjv@Jude:1:4 @ For #G1063 there are certain #G5100 men #G444 crept in unawares #G3921 (5656), who #G3588 were before #G4270 # of old #G3819 ordained #G4270 (5772) to #G1519 this #G5124 condemnation #G2917 , ungodly men #G765 , turning #G3346 (5723) the grace #G5485 of our #G2257 God #G2316 into #G1519 lasciviousness and #G2532 denying #G720 (5740) the only #G3441 Lord #G1203 God #G2316 , and #G2532 our #G2257 Lord #G2962 Jesus #G2424 Christ #G5547 .
strkjv@Jude:1:5 @ I will #G1014 (5736) therefore #G1161 put #G5279 # you #G5209 in remembrance #G5279 (5658), though ye #G5209 once #G530 knew #G1492 (5761) this #G5124 , how that #G3754 the Lord #G2962 , having saved #G4982 (5660) the people #G2992 out of #G1537 the land #G1093 of Egypt #G125 , afterward #G1208 destroyed #G622 (5656) them that believed #G4100 (5660) not #G3361 .
strkjv@Jude:1:6 @ And #G5037 the angels #G32 which kept #G5083 (5660) not #G3361 their #G1438 first estate #G746 , but #G235 left #G620 (5631) their own #G2398 habitation #G3613 , he hath reserved #G5083 (5758) in everlasting #G126 chains #G1199 under #G5259 darkness #G2217 unto #G1519 the judgment #G2920 of the great #G3173 day #G2250 .
strkjv@Jude:1:7 @ Even as #G5613 Sodom #G4670 and #G2532 Gomorrha #G1116 , and #G2532 the cities #G4172 about #G4012 them #G846 in like #G3664 #G5125 manner #G5158 , giving themselves over to fornication #G1608 (5660), and #G2532 going #G565 (5631) after #G3694 strange #G2087 flesh #G4561 , are set forth for #G4295 (5736) an example #G1164 , suffering #G5254 (5723) the vengeance #G1349 of eternal #G166 fire #G4442 .
strkjv@Jude:1:8 @ Likewise #G3668 #G3305 also #G2532 these #G3778 filthy dreamers #G1797 (5740) defile #G3392 (5719) the flesh #G3303 #G4561 , #G1161 despise #G114 (5719) dominion #G2963 , and #G1161 speak evil #G987 (5719) of dignities #G1391 .
strkjv@Jude:1:9 @ Yet #G1161 Michael #G3413 the archangel #G743 , when #G3753 contending #G1252 (5734) with the devil #G1228 he disputed #G1256 (5711) about #G4012 the body #G4983 of Moses #G3475 , durst #G5111 (5656) not #G3756 bring against him #G2018 (5629) a railing #G988 accusation #G2920 , but #G235 said #G2036 (5627), The Lord #G2962 rebuke #G2008 (5659) thee #G4671 .
strkjv@Jude:1:10 @ But #G1161 these #G3778 speak evil of #G987 (5719) those things which #G3745 #G3303 they know #G1492 (5758) not #G3756 : but #G1161 what #G3745 they know #G1987 (5736) naturally #G5447 , as #G5613 brute #G249 beasts #G2226 , in #G1722 those things #G5125 they corrupt themselves #G5351 (5743).
strkjv@Jude:1:11 @ Woe #G3759 unto them #G846 ! for #G3754 they have gone #G4198 (5675) in the way #G3598 of Cain #G2535 , and #G2532 ran greedily after #G1632 (5681) the error #G4106 of Balaam #G903 for reward #G3408 , and #G2532 perished #G622 (5639) in the gainsaying #G485 of Core #G2879 .
strkjv@Jude:1:12 @ These #G3778 are #G1526 (5748) spots #G4694 in #G1722 your #G5216 feasts of charity #G26 , when they feast #G4910 (5740) with you #G5213 , feeding #G4165 (5723) themselves #G1438 without fear #G870 : clouds #G3507 they are without water #G504 , carried about #G4064 (5746) of #G5259 winds #G417 ; trees #G1186 whose fruit withereth #G5352 , without fruit #G175 , twice #G1364 dead #G599 (5631), plucked up by the roots #G1610 (5685);
strkjv@Jude:1:13 @ Raging #G66 waves #G2949 of the sea #G2281 , foaming out #G1890 (5723) their own #G1438 shame #G152 ; wandering #G4107 stars #G792 , to whom #G3739 is reserved #G5083 (5769) the blackness #G2217 of darkness #G4655 for #G1519 ever #G165 .
strkjv@Jude:1:14 @ And #G1161 Enoch #G1802 also #G2532 , the seventh #G1442 from #G575 Adam #G76 , prophesied #G4395 (5656) of these #G5125 , saying #G3004 (5723), Behold #G2400 (5628), the Lord #G2962 cometh #G2064 (5627) with #G1722 ten thousands #G3461 of his #G846 saints #G40 ,
strkjv@Jude:1:15 @ To execute #G4160 (5658) judgment #G2920 upon #G2596 all #G3956 , and #G2532 to convince #G1827 (5658) all #G3956 that are ungodly #G765 among them #G846 of #G4012 all #G3956 their #G846 ungodly #G763 deeds #G2041 which #G3739 they have ungodly committed #G764 (5656), and #G2532 of #G4012 all #G3956 their hard #G4642 speeches which #G3739 ungodly #G765 sinners #G268 have spoken #G2980 (5656) against #G2596 him #G846 .
strkjv@Jude:1:16 @ These #G3778 are #G1526 (5748) murmurers #G1113 , complainers #G3202 , walking #G4198 (5740) after #G2596 their own #G846 lusts #G1939 ; and #G2532 their #G846 mouth #G4750 speaketh #G2980 (5719) great swelling #G5246 words, having mens persons #G4383 in admiration #G2296 (5723) because #G5484 of advantage #G5622 .
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