strkjv@Leviticus:4:13 @ And if the whole congregation #H5712 #edah# of Israel #H3478 Yisra#el# sin through ignorance #H7686 shagah# (8799), and the thing #H1697 dabar# be hid #H5956 #alam# (8738) from the eyes #H5869 #ayin# of the assembly #H6951 qahal#, and they have done #H6213 #asah# (8804) somewhat against any #H259 #echad# of the commandments #H4687 mitsvah# of the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah# concerning things which should not be done #H6213 #asah# (8735), and are guilty #H816 #asham# (8804);
strkjv@Leviticus:4:14 @ When the sin #H2403 chatta#ah#, which they have sinned #H2398 chata# (8804) against it, is known #H3045 yada# (8738), then the congregation #H6951 qahal# shall offer #H7126 qarab# (8689) a young #H1241 baqar# #H1121 ben# bullock #H6499 par# for the sin #H2403 chatta#ah#, and bring #H935 bow# (8689) him before #H6440 paniym# the tabernacle #H168 #ohel# of the congregation #H4150 mow#ed#.
strkjv@Leviticus:4:15 @ And the elders #H2205 zaqen# of the congregation #H5712 #edah# shall lay #H5564 camak# (8804) their hands #H3027 yad# upon the head #H7218 ro#sh# of the bullock #H6499 par# before #H6440 paniym# the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#: and the bullock #H6499 par# shall be killed #H7819 shachat# (8804) before #H6440 paniym# the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#.
strkjv@Leviticus:4:16 @ And the priest #H3548 kohen# that is anointed #H4899 mashiyach# shall bring #H935 bow# (8689) of the bullocks #H6499 par# blood #H1818 dam# to the tabernacle #H168 #ohel# of the congregation #H4150 mow#ed#:
strkjv@Leviticus:4:17 @ And the priest #H3548 kohen# shall dip #H2881 tabal# (8804) his finger #H676 #etsba# in some of the blood #H1818 dam#, and sprinkle #H5137 nazah# (8689) it seven #H7651 sheba# times #H6471 pa#am# before #H6440 paniym# the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#, even before #H6440 paniym# the vail #H6532 poreketh#.
strkjv@Leviticus:4:18 @ And he shall put #H5414 nathan# (8799) some of the blood #H1818 dam# upon the horns #H7161 qeren# of the altar #H4196 mizbeach# which is before #H6440 paniym# the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#, that is in the tabernacle #H168 #ohel# of the congregation #H4150 mow#ed#, and shall pour out #H8210 shaphak# (8799) all the blood #H1818 dam# at the bottom #H3247 y@cowd# of the altar #H4196 mizbeach# of the burnt offering #H5930 #olah#, which is at the door #H6607 pethach# of the tabernacle #H168 #ohel# of the congregation #H4150 mow#ed#.
strkjv@Leviticus:4:19 @ And he shall take #H7311 ruwm# (8686) all his fat #H2459 cheleb# from him, and burn #H6999 qatar# (8689) it upon the altar #H4196 mizbeach#.
strkjv@Leviticus:4:20 @ And he shall do #H6213 #asah# (8804) with the bullock #H6499 par# as he did #H6213 #asah# (8804) with the bullock #H6499 par# for a sin offering #H2403 chatta#ah#, so shall he do #H6213 #asah# (8799) with this: and the priest #H3548 kohen# shall make an atonement #H3722 kaphar# (8765) for them, and it shall be forgiven #H5545 calach# (8738) them.
strkjv@Leviticus:4:21 @ And he shall carry forth #H3318 yatsa# (8689) the bullock #H6499 par# without #H2351 chuwts# the camp #H4264 machaneh#, and burn #H8313 saraph# (8804) him as he burned #H8313 saraph# (8804) the first #H7223 ri#shown# bullock #H6499 par#: it is a sin offering #H2403 chatta#ah# for the congregation #H6951 qahal#.
strkjv@Leviticus:4:22 @ When a ruler #H5387 nasiy# hath sinned #H2398 chata# (8799), and done #H6213 #asah# (8804) somewhat through ignorance #H7684 sh@gagah# against any #H259 #echad# of the commandments #H4687 mitsvah# of the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah# his God #H430 #elohiym# concerning things which should not be done #H6213 #asah# (8735), and is guilty #H816 #asham# (8804);
strkjv@Leviticus:4:23 @ Or if his sin #H2403 chatta#ah#, wherein he hath sinned #H2398 chata# (8804), come to his knowledge #H3045 yada# (8717); he shall bring #H935 bow# (8689) his offering #H7133 qorban#, a kid #H8163 sa#iyr# of the goats #H5795 #ez#, a male #H2145 zakar# without blemish #H8549 tamiym#:
strkjv@Leviticus:4:24 @ And he shall lay #H5564 camak# (8804) his hand #H3027 yad# upon the head #H7218 ro#sh# of the goat #H8163 sa#iyr#, and kill #H7819 shachat# (8804) it in the place #H4725 maqowm# where they kill #H7819 shachat# (8799) the burnt offering #H5930 #olah# before #H6440 paniym# the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#: it is a sin offering #H2403 chatta#ah#.
strkjv@Leviticus:4:25 @ And the priest #H3548 kohen# shall take #H3947 laqach# (8804) of the blood #H1818 dam# of the sin offering #H2403 chatta#ah# with his finger #H676 #etsba# , and put #H5414 nathan# (8804) it upon the horns #H7161 qeren# of the altar #H4196 mizbeach# of burnt offering #H5930 #olah#, and shall pour out #H8210 shaphak# (8799) his blood #H1818 dam# at the bottom #H3247 y@cowd# of the altar #H4196 mizbeach# of burnt offering #H5930 #olah#.
strkjv@Leviticus:4:26 @ And he shall burn #H6999 qatar# (8686) all his fat #H2459 cheleb# upon the altar #H4196 mizbeach#, as the fat #H2459 cheleb# of the sacrifice #H2077 zebach# of peace offerings #H8002 shelem#: and the priest #H3548 kohen# shall make an atonement #H3722 kaphar# (8765) for him as concerning his sin #H2403 chatta#ah#, and it shall be forgiven #H5545 calach# (8738) him.
strkjv@Leviticus:4:27 @ And if any #H259 #echad# one #H5315 nephesh# of the common #H776 #erets# people #H5971 #am# sin #H2398 chata# (8799) through ignorance #H7684 sh@gagah#, while he doeth #H6213 #asah# (8800) somewhat against any #H259 #echad# of the commandments #H4687 mitsvah# of the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah# concerning things which ought not to be done #H6213 #asah# (8735), and be guilty #H816 #asham# (8804);
strkjv@Leviticus:4:28 @ Or if his sin #H2403 chatta#ah#, which he hath sinned #H2398 chata# (8804), come to his knowledge #H3045 yada# (8717): then he shall bring #H935 bow# (8689) his offering #H7133 qorban#, a kid #H8166 s@#iyrah# of the goats #H5795 #ez#, a female #H5347 n@qebah# without blemish #H8549 tamiym#, for his sin #H2403 chatta#ah# which he hath sinned #H2398 chata# (8804).
strkjv@Leviticus:4:29 @ And he shall lay #H5564 camak# (8804) his hand #H3027 yad# upon the head #H7218 ro#sh# of the sin offering #H2403 chatta#ah#, and slay #H7819 shachat# (8804) the sin offering #H2403 chatta#ah# in the place #H4725 maqowm# of the burnt offering #H5930 #olah#.
strkjv@Leviticus:4:30 @ And the priest #H3548 kohen# shall take #H3947 laqach# (8804) of the blood #H1818 dam# thereof with his finger #H676 #etsba# , and put #H5414 nathan# (8804) it upon the horns #H7161 qeren# of the altar #H4196 mizbeach# of burnt offering #H5930 #olah#, and shall pour out #H8210 shaphak# (8799) all the blood #H1818 dam# thereof at the bottom #H3247 y@cowd# of the altar #H4196 mizbeach#.
strkjv@Leviticus:4:31 @ And he shall take away #H5493 cuwr# (8686) all the fat #H2459 cheleb# thereof, as the fat #H2459 cheleb# is taken away #H5493 cuwr# (8717) from off the sacrifice #H2077 zebach# of peace offerings #H8002 shelem#; and the priest #H3548 kohen# shall burn #H6999 qatar# (8689) it upon the altar #H4196 mizbeach# for a sweet #H5207 nichowach# savour #H7381 reyach# unto the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#; and the priest #H3548 kohen# shall make an atonement #H3722 kaphar# (8765) for him, and it shall be forgiven #H5545 calach# (8738) him.
strkjv@Leviticus:4:32 @ And if he bring #H935 bow# (8686) a lamb #H3532 kebes# for a sin #H2403 chatta#ah# offering #H7133 qorban#, he shall bring #H935 bow# (8686) it a female #H5347 n@qebah# without blemish #H8549 tamiym#.
strkjv@Leviticus:4:33 @ And he shall lay #H5564 camak# (8804) his hand #H3027 yad# upon the head #H7218 ro#sh# of the sin offering #H2403 chatta#ah#, and slay #H7819 shachat# (8804) it for a sin offering #H2403 chatta#ah# in the place #H4725 maqowm# where they kill #H7819 shachat# (8799) the burnt offering #H5930 #olah#.
strkjv@Leviticus:4:34 @ And the priest #H3548 kohen# shall take #H3947 laqach# (8804) of the blood #H1818 dam# of the sin offering #H2403 chatta#ah# with his finger #H676 #etsba# , and put #H5414 nathan# (8804) it upon the horns #H7161 qeren# of the altar #H4196 mizbeach# of burnt offering #H5930 #olah#, and shall pour out #H8210 shaphak# (8799) all the blood #H1818 dam# thereof at the bottom #H3247 y@cowd# of the altar #H4196 mizbeach#:
strkjv@Leviticus:4:35 @ And he shall take away #H5493 cuwr# (8686) all the fat #H2459 cheleb# thereof, as the fat #H2459 cheleb# of the lamb #H3775 keseb# is taken away #H5493 cuwr# (8714) from the sacrifice #H2077 zebach# of the peace offerings #H8002 shelem#; and the priest #H3548 kohen# shall burn #H6999 qatar# (8689) them upon the altar #H4196 mizbeach#, according to the offerings made by fire #H801 #ishshah# unto the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#: and the priest #H3548 kohen# shall make an atonement #H3722 kaphar# (8765) for his sin #H2403 chatta#ah# that he hath committed #H2398 chata# (8804), and it shall be forgiven #H5545 calach# (8738) him.
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