rwp@Luke:16:19 @{He was clothed} (\enedidusketo\). Imperfect middle of \endidusk“\, a late intensive form of \endu“\. He clothed himself in or with. It was his habit. {Purple} (\porphuran\). This purple dye was obtained from the purple fish, a species of mussel or \murex\ (1Macc. 4:23). It was very costly and was used for the upper garment by the wealthy and princes (royal purple). They had three shades of purple (deep violet, deep scarlet or crimson, deep blue). See also kjv@Mark:15:17,20; kjv@Revelation:18:12|. {Fine linen} (\busson\). {Byssus} or Egyptian flax (India and Achaia also). It is a yellowed flax from which fine linen was made for undergarments. It was used for wrapping mummies. "Some of the Egyptian linen was so fine that it was called _woven air_" (Vincent). Here only in the N.T. for the adjective \bussinos\ occurs in kjv@Revelation:18:12; 19:8,14|. {Faring sumptuously} (\euphrainomenos lampr“s\). {Making merry brilliantly}. The verb \euphrainomai\ we have already had in 12:19; 15:23,25,32|. \Lampr“s\ is an old adverb from \lampros\, brilliant, shining, splendid, magnificent. It occurs here only in the N.T. This parable apparently was meant for the Pharisees (verse 14|) who were lovers of money. It shows the wrong use of money and opportunity.
rwp@Luke:16:20 @{Beggar} (\pt“chos\). Original meaning of this old word. See on ¯Matthew:5:3|. The name Lazarus is from \Eleazaros\, "God a help," and was a common one. _Lazar_ in English means one afflicted with a pestilential disease. {Was laid} (\ebeblˆto\). Past perfect passive of the common verb \ball“\. He had been flung there and was still there, "as if contemptuous roughness is implied" (Plummer). {At his gate} (\pros ton pul“na autou\). Right in front of the large portico or gateway, not necessarily a part of the grand house, porch in kjv@Matthew:26:71|. {Full of sores} (\heilk“menos\). Perfect passive participle of \helko“\, to make sore, to ulcerate, from \helkos\, ulcer (Latin _ulcus_). See use of \helkos\ in verse 21|. Common in Hippocrates and other medical writers. Here only in the N.T.
rwp@Luke:16:21 @{With the crumbs that fell} (\apo t“n piptont“n\). From the things that fell from time to time. The language reminds one of kjv@Luke:15:16| (the prodigal son) and the Syro-Phoenician woman (Mark:7:28|). Only it does not follow that this beggar did not get the scraps from the rich man's table. Probably he did, though nothing more. Even the wild street dogs would get them also. {Yea, even the dogs} (\alla kai hoi kunes\). For \alla kai\ see also 12:7; 24:22|. \Alla\ can mean "yea," though it often means "but." Here it depends on how one construes Luke's meaning. If he means that he was dependent on casual scraps and it was so bad that even the wild dogs moreover were his companions in misery, the climax came that he was able to drive away the dogs. The other view is that his hunger was unsatisfied, but even the dogs increased his misery. {Licked his sores} (\epeleichon ta helkˆ autou\). Imperfect active of \epileich“\, a late vernacular _Koin‚_ verb, to lick over the surface. It is not clear whether the licking of the sores by the dogs added to the misery of Lazarus or gave a measure of comfort, as he lay in his helpless condition. "Furrer speaks of witnessing dogs and lepers waiting together for the refuse" (Bruce). It was a scramble between the dogs and Lazarus.
rwp@Luke:16:22 @{Was borne} (\apenechthˆnai\). First aorist passive infinitive from \apopher“\, a common compound defective verb. The accusative case of general reference (\auton\) is common with the infinitive in such clauses after \egeneto\, like indirect discourse. It is his soul, of course, that was so borne by the angels, not his body. {Into Abraham's bosom} (\eis ton holpon Abraam\). To be in Abraham's bosom is to the Jew to be in Paradise. In kjv@John:1:18| the Logos is in the bosom of the Father. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are in heaven and welcome those who come (Matthew:8:11|; 4Macc. 14:17). The beloved disciple reclined on the bosom of Jesus at the last passover (John:13:23|) and this fact indicates special favour. Songs:the welcome to Lazarus was unusual. {Was buried} (\etaphˆ\). Second aorist (effective) passive of the common verb \thapt“\. Apparently in contrast with the angelic visitation to the beggar.
rwp@Luke:16:23 @{In Hades} (\en t“i Hƒidˆi\). See on kjv@Matthew:16:18| for discussion of this word. Lazarus was in Hades also for both Paradise (Abraham's bosom) and Gehenna are in the unseen world beyond the grave. {In torments} (\en basanois\). The touchstone by which gold and other metals were tested, then the rack for torturing people. Old word, but in the N.T. only here, kjv@Luke:16:28; kjv@Matthew:4:24|. {Sees} (\horƒi\). Dramatic present indicative. The Jews believed that Gehenna and Paradise were close together. This detail in the parable does not demand that we believe it. The picture calls for it. {From afar} (\apo makrothen\). Pleonastic use of \apo\ as \makrothen\ means {from afar}.
rwp@Luke:16:24 @{That he may dip} (\hina bapsˆi\). First aorist active subjunctive of \bapt“\, common verb, to dip. {In water} (\hudatos\). Genitive, the specifying case, water and not something else. {Cool} (\katapsuxˆi\). First aorist active subjunctive of \katapsuch“\, a late Greek compound, to cool off, to make cool. Only here in the N.T. but common in medical books. Note perfective use of \kata-\ (down). A small service that will be welcome. {For I am in anguish} (\hoti odun“mai\). The active has a causative sense to cause intense pain, the middle to torment oneself (Luke:2:48; kjv@Acts:20:38|), the passive to be translated as here. Common verb, but no other examples in the N.T.
rwp@Luke:16:25 @{Receivedst} (\apelabes\). Second aorist indicative of \apolamban“\, old verb to get back what is promised and in full. See also kjv@Luke:6:34; 18:30; 23:41|. {Evil things} (\ta kaka\). Not "his," but "the evil things" that came upon him. {Thou art in anguish} (\odunƒsai\). Like \kauchƒsai\ in kjv@Romans:2:17|. They contracted \-aesai\ without the loss of \s\. Common in the _Koin‚_.
rwp@Luke:16:26 @{Beside all this} (\en pƒsi toutois\). {In all these things} (or regions). {Gulf} (\chasma\). An old word from \chain“\, to yawn, our chasm, a gaping opening. Only here in the N.T. {Is fixed} (\estˆriktai\). Perfect passive indicative of \stˆriz“\, old verb (see on ¯Luke:9:51|). Permanent chasm. {May not be able} (\mˆ dun“ntai\). Present middle subjunctive of \dunamai\. The chasm is there on purpose ({that not}, \hop“s mˆ\) to prevent communication.
rwp@Luke:16:27 @{That you send him} (\hina pempsˆis auton\). As if he had not had a fair warning and opportunity. The Roman Catholics probably justify prayer to saints from this petition from the Rich Man to Abraham, but both are in Hades (the other world). It is to be observed besides, that Abraham makes no effort to communicate with the five brothers. But heavenly recognition is clearly assumed. Dante has a famous description of his visit to the damned (_Purg_. iii, 114).
rwp@Luke:16:28 @{That he may testify} (\hop“s diamarturˆtai\). An old verb for solemn and thorough (\dia-\) witness. The Rich Man labours under the delusion that his five brothers will believe the testimony of Lazarus as a man from the dead.
rwp@Luke:16:29 @{Let them hear them} (\akousat“san aut“n\). Even the heathen have the evidence of nature to show the existence of God as Paul argues in Romans so that they are without excuse (Romans:1:20f.|).
rwp@Luke:16:30 @{They will repent} (\metanoˆsousin\). The Rich Man had failed to do this and he now sees that it is the one thing lacking. It is not wealth, not poverty, not alms, not influence, but repentance that is needed. He had thought repentance was for others, not for all.
rwp@Luke:16:31 @{Neither will they be persuaded} (\oud' peisthˆsontai\). First future passive of \peith“\. Gressmann calls attention to the fact that Jesus is saying this in the conclusion of the parable. It is a sharp discouragement against efforts today to communicate with the dead. "Saul was not led to repentance when he saw Samuel at Endor nor were the Pharisees when they saw Lazarus come forth from the tomb. The Pharisees tried to put Lazarus to death and to explain away the resurrection of Jesus" (Plummer). Alford comments on the curious fact that Lazarus was the name of the one who did rise from the dead but whose return from the dead "was the immediate exciting cause of their (Pharisees) crowning act of unbelief."
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