strkjv@Luke:18:9 @ And #G1161 he spake #G2036 (5627) #G2532 this #G5026 parable #G3850 unto #G4314 certain #G5100 which #G3588 trusted #G3982 (5756) in #G1909 themselves #G1438 that #G3754 they were #G1526 (5748) righteous #G1342 , and #G2532 despised #G1848 (5723) others #G3062 :
strkjv@Luke:18:10 @ Two #G1417 men #G444 went up #G305 (5627) into #G1519 the temple #G2411 to pray #G4336 (5664); the one #G1520 a Pharisee #G5330 , and #G2532 the other #G2087 a publican #G5057 .
strkjv@Luke:18:11 @ The Pharisee #G5330 stood #G2476 (5685) and prayed #G4336 (5711) thus #G5023 with #G4314 himself #G1438 , God #G2316 , I thank #G2168 (5719) thee #G4671 , that #G3754 I am #G1510 (5748) not #G3756 as #G5618 other #G3062 men #G444 are, extortioners #G727 , unjust #G94 , adulterers #G3432 , or #G2228 even #G2532 as #G5613 this #G3778 publican #G5057 .
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