strkjv@Luke:24:39 @ Behold #G1492 (5628) my #G3450 hands #G5495 and #G2532 my #G3450 feet #G4228 , that #G3754 it is #G1510 (5748) I #G1473 myself #G846 : handle #G5584 (5657) me #G3165 , and #G2532 see #G1492 (5628); for #G3754 a spirit #G4151 hath #G2192 (5719) not #G3756 flesh #G4561 and #G2532 bones #G3747 , as #G2531 ye see #G2334 (5719) me #G1691 have #G2192 (5723).
strkjv@Luke:24:40 @ And #G2532 when he had thus #G5124 spoken #G2036 (5631), he shewed #G1925 (5656) them #G846 his hands #G5495 and #G2532 his feet #G4228 .
strkjv@Luke:24:41 @ And #G1161 while they #G846 yet #G2089 believed not #G569 (5723) for #G575 joy #G5479 , and #G2532 wondered #G2296 (5723), he said #G2036 (5627) unto them #G846 , Have ye #G2192 (5719) here #G1759 any #G5100 meat #G1034 ?
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