strkjv@Luke:3:23 @ And #G2532 Jesus #G2424 himself #G846 began #G756 (5734) to be #G2258 (5713) about #G5616 thirty #G5144 years of age #G2094 , being #G5607 (5752) (as #G5613 was supposed #G3543 (5712)) the son #G5207 of Joseph #G2501 , which was the son of Heli #G2242 ,
strkjv@Luke:3:24 @ Which was the son of Matthat #G3158 , which was the son of Levi #G3017 , which was the son of Melchi #G3197 , which was the son of Janna #G2388 , which was the son of Joseph #G2501 ,
strkjv@Luke:3:25 @ Which was the son of Mattathias #G3161 , which was the son of Amos #G301 , which was the son of Naum #G3486 , which was the son of Esli #G2069 , which was the son of Nagge #G3477 ,
strkjv@Luke:3:26 @ Which was the son of Maath #G3092 , which was the son of Mattathias #G3161 , which was the son of Semei #G4584 , which was the son of Joseph #G2501 , which was the son of Juda #G2455 ,
strkjv@Luke:3:27 @ Which was the son of Joanna #G2490 , which was the son of Rhesa #G4488 , which was the son of Zorobabel #G2216 , which was the son of Salathiel #G4528 , which was the son of Neri #G3518 ,
strkjv@Luke:3:28 @ Which was the son of Melchi #G3197 , which was the son of Addi #G78 , which was the son of Cosam #G2973 , which was the son of Elmodam #G1678 , which was the son of Er #G2262 ,
strkjv@Luke:3:29 @ Which was the son of Jose #G2499 , which was the son of Eliezer #G1663 , which was the son of Jorim #G2497 , which was the son of Matthat #G3158 , which was the son of Levi #G3017 ,
strkjv@Luke:3:30 @ Which was the son of Simeon #G4826 , which was the son of Juda #G2455 , which was the son of Joseph #G2501 , which was the son of Jonan #G2494 , which was the son of Eliakim #G1662 ,
strkjv@Luke:3:31 @ Which was the son of Melea #G3190 , which was the son of Menan #G3104 , which was the son of Mattatha #G3160 , which was the son of Nathan #G3481 , which was the son of David #G1138 ,
strkjv@Luke:3:32 @ Which was the son of Jesse #G2421 , which was the son of Obed #G5601 , which was the son of Booz #G1003 , which was the son of Salmon #G4533 , which was the son of Naasson #G3476 ,
strkjv@Luke:3:33 @ Which was the son of Aminadab #G284 , which was the son of Aram #G689 , which was the son of Esrom #G2074 , which was the son of Phares #G5329 , which was the son of Juda #G2455 ,
strkjv@Luke:3:34 @ Which was the son of Jacob #G2384 , which was the son of Isaac #G2464 , which was the son of Abraham #G11 , which was the son of Thara #G2291 , which was the son of Nachor #G3493 ,
strkjv@Luke:3:35 @ Which was the son of Saruch #G4562 , which was the son of Ragau #G4466 , whih was the son of Phalec #G5317 , which was the son of Heber #G1443 , which was the son of Sala #G4527 ,
strkjv@Luke:3:36 @ Which was the son of Cainan #G2536 , which was the son of Arphaxad #G742 , which was the son of Sem #G4590 , which was the son of Noe #G3575 , which was the son of Lamech #G2984 ,
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