strkjv@Mark:15:24 @ And #G2532 when they had crucified #G4717 (5660) him #G846 , they parted #G1266 (5707) his #G846 garments #G2440 , casting #G906 (5723) lots #G2819 upon #G1909 them #G846 , what #G5101 every man #G5101 should take #G142 (5661).
strkjv@Mark:15:25 @ And #G1161 it was #G2258 (5713) the third #G5154 hour #G5610 , and #G2532 they crucified #G4717 (5656) him #G846 .
strkjv@Mark:15:26 @ And #G2532 the superscription #G1923 of his #G846 accusation #G156 was #G2258 (5713) written over #G1924 (5772), THE KING #G935 OF THE JEWS #G2453 .
strkjv@Mark:15:27 @ And #G2532 with #G4862 him #G846 they crucify #G4717 (5719) two #G1417 thieves #G3027 ; the one #G1520 on #G1537 his right hand #G1188 , and #G2532 the other #G1520 on #G1537 his #G846 left #G2176 .
strkjv@Mark:15:28 @ And #G2532 the scripture #G1124 was fulfilled #G4137 (5681), which #G3588 saith #G3004 (5723), And #G2532 he was numbered #G3049 (5681) with #G3326 the transgressors #G459 .
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