gltv@Mark:6:7 @ And He called the Twelve near and began to send them out two by two. And He gave them authority over the unclean spirits,
gltv@Mark:6:8 @ and charged them that they take nothing in the way, except only a staff; no bag, no bread, no copper in the belt;
gltv@Mark:6:9 @ but having tied on sandals, and not putting on two tunics.
gltv@Mark:6:10 @ And He said to them, Wherever you enter into a house, remain there until you go out from there.
gltv@Mark:6:11 @ And as many as will not receive you, nor hear from you, having gone out from there, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony to them. Truly I say to you, it will be more bearable for Sodom or Gomorrah in Judgment Day than for that city.
gltv@Mark:6:12 @ And going out, they proclaimed that men should repent.
gltv@Mark:6:13 @ And they cast out many demons, and anointed with oil and healed many sick ones.
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