strkjv@Mark:8:12 @ And #G2532 he sighed deeply #G389 (5660) in his #G846 spirit #G4151 , and saith #G3004 (5719), Why #G5101 doth #G1934 # this #G3778 generation #G1074 seek after #G1934 (5719) a sign #G4592 ? verily #G281 I say #G3004 (5719) unto you #G5213 , There shall no #G1487 sign #G4592 be given #G1325 (5701) unto this #G5026 generation #G1074 .
strkjv@Mark:8:13 @ And #G2532 he left #G863 (5631) them #G846 , and entering #G1684 (5631) into #G1519 the ship #G4143 again #G3825 departed #G565 (5627) to #G1519 the other side #G4008 .
strkjv@Mark:8:14 @ Now #G2532 the disciples had forgotten #G1950 (5633) to take #G2983 (5629) bread #G740 , neither #G2532 #G3756 had #G2192 (5707) they in #G1722 the ship #G4143 with #G3326 them #G1438 more than #G1508 one #G1520 loaf #G740 .
strkjv@Mark:8:15 @ And #G2532 he charged #G1291 (5710) them #G846 , saying #G3004 (5723), Take heed #G3708 (5720), beware #G991 (5720) of #G575 the leaven #G2219 of the Pharisees #G5330 , and #G2532 of the leaven #G2219 of Herod #G2264 .
strkjv@Mark:8:16 @ And #G2532 they reasoned #G1260 (5711) among #G4314 themselves #G240 , saying #G3004 (5723), It is because #G3754 we have #G2192 (5719) no #G3756 bread #G740 .
strkjv@Mark:8:17 @ And #G2532 when Jesus #G2424 knew #G1097 (5631) it, he saith #G3004 (5719) unto them #G846 , Why #G5101 reason ye #G1260 (5736), because #G3754 ye have #G2192 (5719) no #G3756 bread #G740 ? perceive ye #G3539 (5719) not yet #G3768 , neither #G3761 understand #G4920 (5719)? have ye #G2192 (5719) your #G5216 heart #G2588 yet #G2089 hadened #G4456 (5772)?
strkjv@Mark:8:18 @ Having #G2192 (5723) eyes #G3788 , see ye #G991 (5719) not #G3756 ? and #G2532 having #G2192 (5723) ears #G3775 , hear ye #G191 (5719) not #G3756 ? and #G2532 do ye #G3421 # not #G3756 remember #G3421 (5719)?
strkjv@Mark:8:19 @ When #G3753 I brake #G2806 (5656) the five #G4002 loaves #G740 among #G1519 five thousand #G4000 , how many #G4214 baskets #G2894 full #G4134 of fragments #G2801 took ye up #G142 (5656)? They say #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 , Twelve #G1427 .
strkjv@Mark:8:20 @ And #G1161 when #G3753 the seven #G2033 among #G1519 four thousand #G5070 , how many #G4214 baskets #G4711 full #G4138 of fragments #G2801 took ye up #G142 (5656)? And #G1161 they said #G2036 (5627), Seven #G2033 .
strkjv@Mark:8:21 @ And #G2532 he said #G3004 (5707) unto them #G846 , How #G4459 is it that ye do #G4920 # not #G3756 understand #G4920 (5719)?
strkjv@Mark:8:22 @ And #G2532 he cometh #G2064 (5736) to #G1519 Bethsaida #G966 ; and #G2532 they bring #G5342 (5719) a blind man #G5185 unto him #G846 , and #G2532 besought #G3870 (5719) him #G846 to #G2443 touch #G680 (5672) him #G846 .
strkjv@Mark:8:23 @ And #G2532 he took #G1949 (5637) the blind man #G5185 by the hand #G5495 , and led #G1806 (5627) him #G846 out of #G1854 the town #G2968 ; and #G2532 when he had spit #G4429 (5660) on #G1519 his #G846 eyes #G3659 , and put #G2007 (5631) his hands #G5495 upon him #G846 , he asked #G1905 (5707) him #G846 if #G1536 # he saw #G991 (5719) ought #G1536 .
strkjv@Mark:8:24 @ And #G2532 he looked up #G308 (5660), and said #G3004 (5707), #G3754 I see #G991 (5719) men #G444 as #G5613 #G3708 (5719) trees #G1186 , walking #G4043 (5723).
strkjv@Mark:8:25 @ After #G1534 that he put #G2007 (5656) his hands #G5495 again #G3825 upon #G1909 his #G846 eyes #G3788 , and #G2532 made #G4160 (5656) him #G846 look up #G308 (5658): and #G2532 he was restored #G600 (5681), and #G2532 saw #G1689 (5656) every man #G537 clearly #G5081 .
strkjv@Mark:8:26 @ And #G2532 he sent #G649 # him #G846 away #G649 (5656) to #G1519 his #G846 house #G3624 , saying #G3004 (5723), Neither #G3366 go #G1525 (5632) into #G1519 the town #G2968 , nor #G3366 tell #G2036 (5632) it to any #G5100 in #G1722 the town #G2968 .
strkjv@Mark:8:27 @ And #G2532 Jesus #G2424 went out #G1831 (5627), and #G2532 his #G846 disciples #G3101 , into #G1519 the towns #G2968 of Caesarea #G2542 Philippi #G5376 : and #G2532 by #G1722 the way #G3598 he asked #G1905 (5707) his #G846 disciples #G3101 , saying #G3004 (5723) unto them #G846 , Whom #G5101 do #G3004 # men #G444 say #G3004 (5719) that I #G3165 am #G1511 (5750)?
strkjv@Mark:8:28 @ And #G1161 they answered #G611 (5662), John #G2491 the Baptist #G910 : but #G1161 some #G243 say, Elias #G2243 ; and #G2532 others #G243 , One #G1520 of the prophets #G4396 .
strkjv@Mark:8:29 @ And #G2532 he #G846 saith #G3004 (5719) unto them #G846 , But #G1161 whom #G5101 say #G3004 (5719) ye #G5210 that I #G3165 am #G1511 (5750)? And #G1161 Peter #G4074 answereth #G611 (5679) and saith #G3004 (5719) unto him #G846 , Thou #G4771 art #G1488 (5748) the Christ #G5547 .
strkjv@Mark:8:30 @ And #G2532 he charged #G2008 (5656) them #G846 that #G2443 they should tell #G3004 (5725) no man #G3367 of #G4012 him #G846 .
strkjv@Mark:8:31 @ And #G2532 he began #G756 (5662) to teach #G1321 (5721) them #G846 , that #G3754 the Son #G5207 of man #G444 must #G1163 (5748) suffer #G3958 (5629) many things #G4183 , and #G2532 be rejected #G593 (5683) of #G575 the elders #G4245 , and #G2532 of the chief priests #G749 , and #G2532 scribes #G1122 , and #G2532 be killed #G615 (5683), and #G2532 after #G3326 three #G5140 days #G2250 rise again #G450 (5629).
strkjv@Mark:8:32 @ And #G2532 he spake #G2980 (5707) that saying #G3056 openly #G3954 . And #G2532 Peter #G4074 took #G4355 (5642) him #G846 , and began #G756 (5662) to rebuke #G2008 (5721) him #G846 .
strkjv@Mark:8:33 @ But #G1161 when he had turned about #G1994 (5651) and #G2532 looked #G1492 (5631) on his #G846 disciples #G3101 , he rebuked #G2008 (5656) Peter #G4074 , saying #G3004 (5723), Get thee #G5217 (5720) behind #G3694 me #G3450 , Satan #G4567 : for #G3754 thou savourest #G5426 (5719) not #G3756 the things that be of God #G2316 , but #G235 the things that be of men #G444 .
strkjv@Mark:8:34 @ And #G2532 when he had called #G4341 (5666) the people #G3793 unto him with #G4862 his #G846 disciples #G3101 also, he said #G2036 (5627) unto them #G846 , Whosoever #G3748 will #G2309 (5719) come #G2064 (5629) after #G3694 me #G3450 , let him deny #G533 (5663) himself #G1438 , and #G2532 take up #G142 (5657) his #G846 cross #G4716 , and #G2532 follow #G190 (5720) me #G3427 .
strkjv@Mark:8:35 @ For #G1063 whosoever #G3739 #G302 will #G2309 (5725) save #G4982 (5658) his #G846 life #G5590 shall lose #G622 (5692) it #G846 ; but #G1161 whosoever #G3739 #G302 shall lose #G622 (5661) his #G846 life #G5590 for #G1752 my sake #G1700 and #G2532 the gospels #G2098 , the same #G3778 shall save #G4982 (5692) it #G846 .
strkjv@Mark:8:36 @ For #G1063 what #G5101 shall it profit #G5623 (5692) a man #G444 , if #G1437 he shall gain #G2770 (5661) the whole #G3650 world #G2889 , and #G2532 lose #G2210 (5686) his own #G846 soul #G5590 ?
strkjv@Mark:8:37 @ Or #G2228 what #G5101 shall #G1325 # a man #G444 give #G1325 (5692) in exchange #G465 for his #G846 soul #G5590 ?
strkjv@Mark:8:38 @ Whosoever #G3739 #G302 therefore #G1063 shall be ashamed #G1870 (5680) of me #G3165 and #G2532 of my #G1699 words #G3056 in #G1722 this #G5026 adulterous #G3428 and #G2532 sinful #G268 generation #G1074 ; of him #G846 also #G2532 shall #G1870 # the Son #G5207 of man #G444 be ashamed #G1870 (5700), when #G3752 he cometh #G2064 (5632) in #G1722 the glory #G1391 of his #G846 Father #G3962 with #G3326 the holy #G40 angels #G32 .
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