strkjv@Mark:9:2 @ And #G2532 after #G3326 six #G1803 days #G2250 Jesus #G2424 taketh #G3880 (5719) with him Peter #G4074 , and #G2532 James #G2385 , and #G2532 John #G2491 , and #G2532 leadeth #G399 # them #G846 up #G399 (5719) into #G1519 an high #G5308 mountain #G3735 apart #G2596 #G2398 by themselves #G3441 : and #G2532 he was transfigured #G3339 (5681) before #G1715 them #G846 .
strkjv@Mark:9:3 @ And #G2532 his #G846 raiment #G2440 became #G1096 (5633) shining #G4744 (5723), exceeding #G3029 white #G3022 as #G5613 snow #G5510 ; so as #G3634 no #G3756 fuller #G1102 on #G1909 earth #G1093 can #G1410 (5736) white #G3021 (5658) them.
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