rwp@Matthew:13:21 appears twice on the printed page. Removed second
rwp@Matthew:13:21 @{Yet hath he not root in himself} (\ouk echei de rhizan en heaut“i\). Cf. kjv@Colossians:2:7| and kjv@Ephesians:3:18| \erriz“memoi\. Stability like a tree. Here the man has a mushroom growth and "endureth for a while" (\proskairos\), temporary, quick to sprout, quick to stumble (\skandalizetai\). What a picture of some converts in our modern revivals. They drop away overnight because they did not have the root of the matter in them. This man does not last or hold out.
rwp@Matthew:13:21 @{Tribulation} (\thlipse“s\). From \thlib“\, to press, to oppress, to squeeze (cf. 7:14|). The English word is from the Latin _tribulum_, the roller used by the Romans for pressing wheat. Cf. our "steam roller" Trench (_Synonyms of the N.T._, pp. 202-4): "When, according to the ancient law of England, those who wilfully refused to plead, had heavy weights placed on their breasts, and were pressed and crushed to death, this was literally \thlipsis\." The iron cage was \stenoch“ria\.
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