geneva@Matthew:14:22 @ And straightway Iesus compelled his disciples to enter into a shippe, and to goe ouer before him, while he sent the multitude away.
geneva@Matthew:14:23 @ And assoone as hee had sent the multitude away, he went vp into a moutaine alone to pray: and when the euening was come, hee was there alone.
geneva@Matthew:14:24 @
geneva@Matthew:14:25 @ And in the (note:)By the fourth watch is meant the time nearer to day break: for in ancient times they divided the night into four watches in which they posted watches.(:note) fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea.
geneva@Matthew:14:26 @ And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a (note:)A spirit, as it is taken here, is that which a man imagines to himself vainly in his mind, persuading himself that he sees something when he sees nothing.(:note) spirit; and they cried out for fear.
geneva@Matthew:14:27 @ But straight way Iesus spake vnto them, saying, Be of good comfort, It is I: be not afraide.
geneva@Matthew:14:28 @
geneva@Matthew:14:29 @ And he saide, Come; when Peter was come downe out of the shippe, he walked on the water, to goe to Iesus.
geneva@Matthew:14:30 @ But when he sawe a mightie winde, he was afraide: and as he began to sinke, he cried, saying, Master, saue me.
geneva@Matthew:14:31 @ So immediatly Iesus stretched foorth his hande, and caught him, and saide to him, O thou of litle faith, wherefore diddest thou doubt?
geneva@Matthew:14:32 @ And assoone as they were come into the ship, the winde ceased.
geneva@Matthew:14:33 @ Then they that were in the ship, came and worshipped him, saying, Of a trueth thou art the Sonne of God.
geneva@Matthew:14:34 @ And when they were gone over, they came into the land of (note:)This Gennesaret was a lake near Capernaum, which is also called the Sea of Galilee or Tiberias; so the country itself grew to be called Gennesaret.(:note) Gennesaret.
geneva@Matthew:14:35 @
geneva@Matthew:14:36 @ And besought him, that they might touch the hemme of his garment onely: and as many as touched it, were made whole.
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