strkjv@Matthew:24:9 @ Then #G5119 shall they deliver #G3860 # you #G5209 up #G3860 (5692) to #G1519 be afflicted #G2347 , and #G2532 shall kill #G615 (5692) you #G5209 : and #G2532 ye shall be #G2071 (5704) hated #G3404 (5746) of #G5259 all #G3956 nations #G1484 for #G1223 my #G3450 names sake #G3686 .
strkjv@Matthew:24:10 @ And #G2532 then #G5119 shall many #G4183 be offended #G4624 (5701), and #G2532 shall betray #G3860 (5692) one another #G240 , and #G2532 shall hate #G3404 (5692) one another #G240 .
strkjv@Matthew:24:11 @ And #G2532 many #G4183 false prophets #G5578 shall rise #G1453 (5701), and #G2532 shall deceive #G4105 (5692) many #G4183 .
strkjv@Matthew:24:12 @ And #G2532 because #G1223 iniquity #G458 shall abound #G4129 (5683), the love #G26 of many #G4183 shall wax cold #G5594 (5691).
strkjv@Matthew:24:13 @ But #G1161 he that shall endure #G5278 (5660) unto #G1519 the end #G5056 , the same #G3778 shall be saved #G4982 (5701).
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