rwp@Matthew:4:18 @{Casting a net into the sea} (\ballantas amphiblˆstron eis tˆn thalassan\). The word here for net is a casting-net (compare \amphiball“\ in kjv@Mark:1:16|, casting on both sides). The net was thrown over the shoulder and spread into a circle (\amphi\). In 4:20| and 4:21| another word occurs for nets (\diktua\), a word used for nets of any kind. The large drag-net (\sagˆnˆ\) appears in kjv@Matthew:13:47|.
rwp@Matthew:4:19 @{Fishers of men} (\haleeis anthr“p“n\). Andrew and Simon were fishers by trade. They had already become disciples of Jesus (John:1:35-42|), but now they are called upon to leave their business and to follow Jesus in his travels and work. These two brothers promptly (\euthe“s\) accepted the call and challenge of Jesus.
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