strkjv@Micah:7:3 @ That they may do evil #H7451 ra# with both hands #H3709 kaph# earnestly #H3190 yatab# (8687), the prince #H8269 sar# asketh #H7592 sha#al# (8802), and the judge #H8199 shaphat# (8802) asketh for a reward #H7966 shilluwm#; and the great #H1419 gadowl# man, he uttereth #H1696 dabar# (8802) his mischievous #H1942 havvah# desire #H5315 nephesh#: so they wrap it up #H5686 #abath# (8762).
strkjv@Micah:7:4 @ The best #H2896 towb# of them is as a brier #H2312 chedeq#: the most upright #H3477 yashar# is sharper than a thorn hedge #H4534 m@cuwkah#: the day #H3117 yowm# of thy watchmen #H6822 tsaphah# (8764) and thy visitation #H6486 p@quddah# cometh #H935 bow# (8804); now shall be their perplexity #H3998 m@buwkah#.
strkjv@Micah:7:5 @ Trust #H539 #aman# (8686) ye not in a friend #H7453 rea# , put ye not confidence #H982 batach# (8799) in a guide #H441 #alluwph#: keep #H8104 shamar# (8798) the doors #H6607 pethach# of thy mouth #H6310 peh# from her that lieth #H7901 shakab# (8802) in thy bosom #H2436 cheyq#.
strkjv@Micah:7:6 @ For the son #H1121 ben# dishonoureth #H5034 nabel# (8764) the father #H1 #ab#, the daughter #H1323 bath# riseth up #H6965 quwm# (8801) against her mother #H517 #em#, the daughter in law #H3618 kallah# against her mother in law #H2545 chamowth#; a mans #H376 #iysh# enemies #H341 #oyeb# (8802) are the men #H582 #enowsh# of his own house #H1004 bayith#.
strkjv@Micah:7:7 @ Therefore I will look #H6822 tsaphah# (8762) unto the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#; I will wait #H3176 yachal# (8686) for the God #H430 #elohiym# of my salvation #H3468 yesha# : my God #H430 #elohiym# will hear #H8085 shama# (8799) me.
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