strkjv@Nehemiah:10:33 @ For the shewbread #H4635 ma#areketh# #H3899 lechem#, and for the continual #H8548 tamiyd# meat offering #H4503 minchah#, and for the continual #H8548 tamiyd# burnt offering #H5930 #olah#, of the sabbaths #H7676 shabbath#, of the new moons #H2320 chodesh#, for the set feasts #H4150 mow#ed#, and for the holy #H6944 qodesh# things, and for the sin offerings #H2403 chatta#ah# to make an atonement #H3722 kaphar# (8763) for Israel #H3478 Yisra#el#, and for all the work #H4399 m@la#kah# of the house #H1004 bayith# of our God #H430 #elohiym#.
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