strkjv@Nehemiah:11:10 @ Of the priests #H3548 kohen#: Jedaiah #H3048 Y@kda#yah# the son #H1121 ben# of Joiarib #H3114 Yowyariyb#, Jachin #H3199 Yakiyn#.
strkjv@Nehemiah:11:11 @ Seraiah #H8304 S@rayah# the son #H1121 ben# of Hilkiah #H2518 Chilqiyah#, the son #H1121 ben# of Meshullam #H4918 M@shullam#, the son #H1121 ben# of Zadok #H6659 Tsadowq#, the son #H1121 ben# of Meraioth #H4812 M@rayowth#, the son #H1121 ben# of Ahitub #H285 #Achiytuwb#, was the ruler #H5057 nagiyd# of the house #H1004 bayith# of God #H430 #elohiym#.
strkjv@Nehemiah:11:12 @ And their brethren #H251 #ach# that did #H6213 #asah# (8802) the work #H4399 m@la#kah# of the house #H1004 bayith# were eight #H8083 sh@moneh# hundred #H3967 me#ah# twenty #H6242 #esriym# and two #H8147 sh@nayim#: and Adaiah #H5718 #Adayah# the son #H1121 ben# of Jeroham #H3395 Y@rocham#, the son #H1121 ben# of Pelaliah #H6421 P@lalyah#, the son #H1121 ben# of Amzi #H557 #Amtsiy#, the son #H1121 ben# of Zechariah #H2148 Z@karyah#, the son #H1121 ben# of Pashur #H6583 Pashchuwr#, the son #H1121 ben# of Malchiah #H4441 Malkiyah#,
strkjv@Nehemiah:11:13 @ And his brethren #H251 #ach#, chief #H7218 ro#sh# of the fathers #H1 #ab#, two #H8147 sh@nayim# hundred #H3967 me#ah# forty #H705 #arba#iym# and two #H8147 sh@nayim#: and Amashai #H6023 #Amashcay# the son #H1121 ben# of Azareel #H5832 #Azar#el#, the son #H1121 ben# of Ahasai #H273 #Achzay#, the son #H1121 ben# of Meshillemoth #H4919 M@shillemowth#, the son #H1121 ben# of Immer #H564 #Immer#,
strkjv@Nehemiah:11:14 @ And their brethren #H251 #ach#, mighty men #H1368 gibbowr# of valour #H2428 chayil#, an hundred #H3967 me#ah# twenty #H6242 #esriym# and eight #H8083 sh@moneh#: and their overseer #H6496 paqiyd# was Zabdiel #H2068 Zabdiy#el#, the son #H1121 ben# of one of the great men #H1419 gadowl#.
strkjv@Nehemiah:11:15 @ Also of the Levites #H3881 Leviyiy#: Shemaiah #H8098 Sh@ma#yah# the son #H1121 ben# of Hashub #H2815 Chashshuwb#, the son #H1121 ben# of Azrikam #H5840 #Azriyqam#, the son #H1121 ben# of Hashabiah #H2811 Chashabyah#, the son #H1121 ben# of Bunni #H1138 Bunniy#;
strkjv@Nehemiah:11:16 @ And Shabbethai #H7678 Shabb@thay# and Jozabad #H3107 Yowzabad#, of the chief #H7218 ro#sh# of the Levites #H3881 Leviyiy#, had the oversight of the outward #H2435 chiytsown# business #H4399 m@la#kah# of the house #H1004 bayith# of God #H430 #elohiym#.
strkjv@Nehemiah:11:17 @ And Mattaniah #H4983 Mattanyah# the son #H1121 ben# of Micha #H4316 Miyka# , the son #H1121 ben# of Zabdi #H2067 Zabdiy#, the son #H1121 ben# of Asaph #H623 #Acaph#, was the principal #H7218 ro#sh# to begin #H8462 t@chillah# the thanksgiving #H3034 yadah# (8686) in prayer #H8605 t@phillah#: and Bakbukiah #H1229 Baqbukyah# the second #H4932 mishneh# among his brethren #H251 #ach#, and Abda #H5653 #Abda# the son #H1121 ben# of Shammua #H8051 Shammuwa# , the son #H1121 ben# of Galal #H1559 Galal#, the son #H1121 ben# of Jeduthun #H3038 Y@duwthuwn#.
strkjv@Nehemiah:11:18 @ All the Levites #H3881 Leviyiy# in the holy #H6944 qodesh# city #H5892 #iyr# were two hundred #H3967 me#ah# fourscore #H8084 sh@moniym# and four #H702 #arba# .
strkjv@Nehemiah:11:19 @ Moreover the porters #H7778 show#er#, Akkub #H6126 #Aqquwb#, Talmon #H2929 Talmown#, and their brethren #H251 #ach# that kept #H8104 shamar# (8802) the gates #H8179 sha#ar#, were an hundred #H3967 me#ah# seventy #H7657 shib#iym# and two #H8147 sh@nayim#.
strkjv@Nehemiah:11:20 @ And the residue #H7605 sh@#ar# of Israel #H3478 Yisra#el#, of the priests #H3548 kohen#, and the Levites #H3881 Leviyiy#, were in all the cities #H5892 #iyr# of Judah #H3063 Y@huwdah#, every one #H376 #iysh# in his inheritance #H5159 nachalah#.
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