strkjv@Numbers:24:13 @ If Balak #H1111 Balaq# would give #H5414 nathan# (8799) me his house #H1004 bayith# full #H4393 m@lo# of silver #H3701 keceph# and gold #H2091 zahab#, I cannot #H3201 yakol# (8799) go beyond #H5674 #abar# (8800) the commandment #H6310 peh# of the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#, to do #H6213 #asah# (8800) either good #H2896 towb# or bad #H7451 ra# of mine own mind #H3820 leb#; but what the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah# saith #H1696 dabar# (8762), that will I speak #H1696 dabar# (8762)?
strkjv@Numbers:24:14 @ And now, behold, I go #H1980 halak# (8802) unto my people #H5971 #am#: come #H3212 yalak# (8798) therefore, and I will advertise #H3289 ya#ats# (8799) thee what this people #H5971 #am# shall do #H6213 #asah# (8799) to thy people #H5971 #am# in the latter #H319 #achariyth# days #H3117 yowm#.
strkjv@Numbers:24:15 @ And he took up #H5375 nasa# (8799) his parable #H4912 mashal#, and said #H559 #amar# (8799), Balaam #H1109 Bil#am# the son #H1121 ben# of Beor #H1160 B@#owr# hath said #H5002 n@#um# (8803), and the man #H1397 geber# whose eyes #H5869 #ayin# are open #H8365 shatham# (8803) hath said #H5002 n@#um# (8803):
strkjv@Numbers:24:16 @ He hath said #H5002 n@#um# (8803), which heard #H8085 shama# (8802) the words #H561 #emer# of God #H410 #el#, and knew #H3045 yada# (8802) the knowledge #H1847 da#ath# of the most High #H5945 #elyown#, which saw #H2372 chazah# (8799) the vision #H4236 machazeh# of the Almighty #H7706 Shadday#, falling #H5307 naphal# (8802) into a trance, but having his eyes #H5869 #ayin# open #H1540 galah# (8803):
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