geneva@Philippians:1:1 @ Paul (note:)The Paul's point in writing this epistle, is to strengthen and encourage the Philippians by all means possible, not to faint, but more than that, to go forward. And first of all he commends their former deeds, to exhort them to go forward: which thing he says he fully hopes they will do, and that by the testimony of their abundant charity. But in the meantime he refers all things to the grace of God.(:note) and Timotheus, the servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus which are at Philippi, with the By the bishops are meant both the pastors who have the dispensation of the word, and the elders that govern: and by deacons are meant those that were stewards of the treasury of the Church, and had to look after the poor. bishops and deacons:
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