strkjv@Philippians:1:7 @ Even as #G2531 it is #G2076 (5748) meet #G1342 for me #G1698 to think #G5426 (5721) this #G5124 of #G5228 you #G5216 all #G3956 , because #G1223 I have #G2192 (5721) you #G5209 in #G1722 my #G3165 heart #G2588 ; inasmuch as both #G5037 in #G1722 my #G3450 bonds #G1199 , and #G2532 in the defence #G627 and #G2532 confirmation #G951 of the gospel #G2098 , ye #G5209 all #G3956 are #G5607 (5752) partakers #G4791 of my #G3450 grace #G5485 .
strkjv@Philippians:1:8 @ For #G1063 God #G2316 is #G2076 (5748) my #G3450 record #G3144 , how #G5613 greatly I long after #G1971 (5719) you #G5209 all #G3956 in #G1722 the bowels #G4698 of Jesus #G2424 Christ #G5547 .
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