strkjv@Philippians:4:17 @ Not #G3756 because #G3754 I desire #G1934 (5719) a gift #G1390 : but #G235 I desire #G1934 (5719) fruit #G2590 that may abound #G4121 (5723) to #G1519 your #G5216 account #G3056 .
strkjv@Philippians:4:18 @ But #G1161 I have #G568 (5719) all #G3956 , and #G2532 abound #G4052 (5719): I am full #G4137 (5769), having received #G1209 (5666) of #G3844 Epaphroditus #G1891 the things which were sent from #G3844 you #G5216 , an odour #G3744 of a sweet smell #G2175 , a sacrifice #G2378 acceptable #G1184 , wellpleasing #G2101 to God #G2316 .
strkjv@Philippians:4:19 @ But #G1161 my #G3450 God #G2316 shall supply #G4137 (5692) all #G3956 your #G5216 need #G5532 according to #G2596 his #G846 riches #G4149 in #G1722 glory #G1391 by #G1722 Christ #G5547 Jesus #G2424 .
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