strkjv@Psalms:102:24 @ I said #H559 #amar# (8799), O my God #H410 #el#, take me not away #H5927 #alah# (8686) in the midst #H2677 chetsiy# of my days #H3117 yowm#: thy years #H8141 shaneh# are throughout all #H1755 dowr# generations #H1755 dowr#.
strkjv@Psalms:102:25 @ Of old #H6440 paniym# hast thou laid the foundation #H3245 yacad# (8804) of the earth #H776 #erets#: and the heavens #H8064 shamayim# are the work #H4639 ma#aseh# of thy hands #H3027 yad#.
strkjv@Psalms:102:26 @ They shall perish #H6 #abad# (8799), but thou shalt endure #H5975 #amad# (8799): yea, all of them shall wax old #H1086 balah# (8799) like a garment #H899 beged#; as a vesture #H3830 l@buwsh# shalt thou change #H2498 chalaph# (8686) them, and they shall be changed #H2498 chalaph# (8799):
strkjv@Psalms:102:27 @ But thou art the same, and thy years #H8141 shaneh# shall have no end #H8552 tamam# (8735).
strkjv@Psalms:102:28 @ The children #H1121 ben# of thy servants #H5650 #ebed# shall continue #H7931 shakan# (8799), and their seed #H2233 zera# shall be established #H3559 kuwn# (8735) before #H6440 paniym# thee.
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