strkjv@Psalms:25:1 @ # A Psalm of David #H1732 David#.# Unto thee, O LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#, do I lift up #H5375 nasa# (8799) my soul #H5315 nephesh#.
strkjv@Psalms:25:2 @ O my God #H430 #elohiym#, I trust #H982 batach# (8804) in thee: let me not be ashamed #H954 buwsh# (8799), let not mine enemies #H341 #oyeb# (8802) triumph #H5970 #alats# (8799) over me.
strkjv@Psalms:25:3 @ Yea, let none that wait #H6960 qavah# (8802) on thee be ashamed #H954 buwsh# (8799): let them be ashamed #H954 buwsh# (8799) which transgress #H898 bagad# (8802) without cause #H7387 reyqam#.
strkjv@Psalms:25:4 @ Shew #H3045 yada# (8685) me thy ways #H1870 derek#, O LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#; teach #H3925 lamad# (8761) me thy paths #H734 #orach#.
strkjv@Psalms:25:5 @ Lead #H1869 darak# (8685) me in thy truth #H571 #emeth#, and teach #H3925 lamad# (8761) me: for thou art the God #H430 #elohiym# of my salvation #H3468 yesha# ; on thee do I wait #H6960 qavah# (8765) all the day #H3117 yowm#.
strkjv@Psalms:25:6 @ Remember #H2142 zakar# (8798), O LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#, thy tender mercies #H7356 racham# and thy lovingkindnesses #H2617 checed#; for they have been ever of old #H5769 #owlam#.
strkjv@Psalms:25:7 @ Remember #H2142 zakar# (8799) not the sins #H24hatta#ah# of my youth #H5271 na#uwr#, nor my transgressions #H6588 pesha# : according to thy mercy #H2617 checed# remember #H2142 zakar# (8798) thou me for thy goodness #H2898 tuwb# sake, O LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#.
strkjv@Psalms:25:8 @ Good #H2896 towb# and upright #H3477 yashar# is the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#: therefore will he teach #H3384 yarah# (8686) sinners #H2400 chatta# in the way #H1870 derek#.
strkjv@Psalms:25:9 @ The meek #H6035 #anav# will he guide #H1869 darak# (8686) in judgment #H4941 mishpat#: and the meek #H6035 #anav# will he teach #H3925 lamad# (8762) his way #H1870 derek#.
strkjv@Psalms:25:10 @ All the paths #H734 #orach# of the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah# are mercy #H2617 checed# and truth #H571 #emeth# unto such as keep #H5341 natsar# (8802) his covenant #H1285 b@riyth# and his testimonies #H5713 #edah#.
strkjv@Psalms:25:11 @ For thy names #H8034 shem# sake, O LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#, pardon #H5545 calach# (8804) mine iniquity #H5771 #avon#; for it is great #H7227 rab#.
strkjv@Psalms:25:12 @ What man #H376 #iysh# is he that feareth #H3373 yare# the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#? him shall he teach #H3384 yarah# (8686) in the way #H1870 derek# that he shall choose #H977 bachar# (8799).
strkjv@Psalms:25:13 @ His soul #H5315 nephesh# shall dwell #H3885 luwn# (8799) at ease #H2896 towb#; and his seed #H2233 zera# shall inherit #H3423 yarash# (8799) the earth #H776 #erets#.
strkjv@Psalms:25:14 @ The secret #H5475 cowd# of the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah# is with them that fear #H3373 yare# him; and he will shew #H3045 yada# (8687) them his covenant #H1285 b@riyth#.
strkjv@Psalms:25:15 @ Mine eyes #H5869 #ayin# are ever #H8548 tamiyd# toward the LORD #H3068 Y@hovah#; for he shall pluck #H3318 yatsa# (8686) my feet #H7272 regel# out of the net #H7568 resheth#.
strkjv@Psalms:25:16 @ Turn #H6437 panah# (8798) thee unto me, and have mercy #H2603 chanan# (8798) upon me; for I am desolate #H3173 yachiyd# and afflicted #H6041 #aniy#.
strkjv@Psalms:25:17 @ The troubles #H6869 tsarah# of my heart #H3824 lebab# are enlarged #H7337 rachab# (8689): O bring thou me out #H3318 yatsa# (8685) of my distresses #H4691 m@tsuwqah#.
strkjv@Psalms:25:18 @ Look #H7200 ra#ah# (8798) upon mine affliction #H6040 #oniy# and my pain #H5999 #amal#; and forgive #H5375 nasa# (8798) all my sins #H2403 chatta#ah#.
strkjv@Psalms:25:19 @ Consider #H7200 ra#ah# (8798) mine enemies #H341 #oyeb# (8802); for they are many #H7231 rabab# (8804); and they hate #H8130 sane# (8804) me with cruel #H2555 chamac# hatred #H8135 sin#ah#.
strkjv@Psalms:25:20 @ O keep #H8104 shamar# (8798) my soul #H5315 nephesh#, and deliver #H5337 natsal# (8685) me: let me not be ashamed #H954 buwsh# (8799); for I put my trust #H2620 chacah# (8804) in thee.
strkjv@Psalms:25:21 @ Let integrity #H8537 tom# and uprightness #H3476 yosher# preserve #H5341 natsar# (8799) me; for I wait #H6960 qavah# (8765) on thee.
strkjv@Psalms:25:22 @ Redeem #H6299 padah# (8798) Israel #H3478 Yisra#el#, O God #H430 #elohiym#, out of all his troubles #H6869 tsarah#.
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