strkjv@Psalms:89:30 @ If his children #H1121 ben# forsake #H5800 #azab# (8799) my law #H8451 towrah#, and walk #H3212 yalak# (8799) not in my judgments #H4941 mishpat#;
strkjv@Psalms:89:31 @ If they break #H2490 chalal# (8762) my statutes #H2708 chuqqah#, and keep #H8104 shamar# (8799) not my commandments #H4687 mitsvah#;
strkjv@Psalms:89:32 @ Then will I visit #H6485 paqad# (8804) their transgression #H6588 pesha# with the rod #H7626 shebet#, and their iniquity #H5771 #avon# with stripes #H5061 nega# .
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