rwp@Revelation:1:7 @{Behold, he cometh with the clouds} (\idou erchetai meta t“n nephel“n\). Futuristic present middle indicative of \erchomai\, a reminiscence of kjv@Daniel:7:13| (Theodotion). "It becomes a common eschatological refrain" (Beckwith) as in kjv@Mark:13:26; 14:62; kjv@Matthew:24:30; 26:64; kjv@Luke:21:27|. Compare the manifestation of God in the clouds at Sinai, in the cloudy pillar, the Shekinah, at the transfiguration" (Vincent). {Shall see} (\opsetai\). Future middle of \hora“\, a reminiscence of kjv@Zechariah:12:10| according to the text of Theodotion (Aquila and Symmachus) rather than the LXX and like that of kjv@Matthew:24:30| (similar combination of Daniel and Zechariah) and 26:64|. This picture of the victorious Christ in his return occurs also in 14:14, 18-20; 19:11-21; 20:7-10|. {And they which} (\kai hoitines\). "And the very ones who," Romans and Jews, all who shared in this act. {Pierced} (\exekentˆsan\). First aorist active indicative of \ekkente“\, late compound (Aristotle, Polybius, LXX), from \ek\ and \kente“\ (to stab, to pierce), in N.T., only here and kjv@John:19:37|, in both cases from kjv@Zechariah:12:10|, but not the LXX text (apparently proof that John used the original Hebrew or the translation of Theodotion and Aquila). {Shall mourn} (\kopsontai\). Future middle (direct) of \kopt“\, old verb, to cut, "they shall cut themselves," as was common for mourners (Matthew:11:17; kjv@Luke:8:52; 23:27|). From kjv@Zechariah:12:12|. See also kjv@Revelation:18:9|. {Tribes} (\phulai\). Not just the Jewish tribes, but the spiritual Israel of Jews and Gentiles as in 7:4-8|. No nation had then accepted Christ as Lord and Saviour, nor has any yet done so.
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