rwp@Revelation:14:7 @{And he saith} (\leg“n\). See above. {Fear God} (\phobˆthˆte ton theon\). First aorist passive (deponent) imperative of \phobeomai\, here transitive with the accusative as in kjv@Luke:12:5|. It is a call to judgment with no hope offered except by implication (Acts:14:15ff.|). {Give him glory} (\dote aut“i doxan\). Second aorist active indicative of \did“mi\. For the phrase see 11:13|. {The hour is come} (\hˆ h“ra ˆlthen\). Second aorist (prophetic use) active indicative of \erchomai\. Common idiom in John's Gospel (2:4; 4:21,23; 5:25,28; 7:30|, etc.). {Worship} (\proskunˆsate\). First aorist active imperative of \proskune“\ with the dative case. Solemn call to the pagan world to worship God as Creator (4:11; 10:6|), as in kjv@Psalms:96:6; kjv@Acts:14:15|. For "the fountains of waters" see 8:10|.
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