strkjv@Revelation:19:13 @ And #G2532 he was clothed #G4016 (5772) with a vesture #G2440 dipped #G911 (5772) in blood #G129 : and #G2532 his #G846 name #G3686 is called #G2564 (5743) The Word #G3056 of God #G2316 .
strkjv@Revelation:19:14 @ And #G2532 the armies #G4753 which were #G3588 in #G1722 heaven #G3772 followed #G190 (5707) him #G846 upon #G1909 white #G3022 horses #G2462 , clothed #G1746 (5765) in fine linen #G1039 , white #G3022 and #G2532 clean #G2513 .
strkjv@Revelation:19:15 @ And #G2532 out of #G1537 his #G846 mouth #G4750 goeth #G1607 (5736) a sharp #G3691 sword #G4501 , that #G2443 with #G1722 it #G846 he should smite #G3960 (5661) the nations #G1484 : and #G2532 he #G846 shall rule #G4165 (5692) them #G846 with #G1722 a rod #G4464 of iron #G4603 : and #G2532 he #G846 treadeth #G3961 (5719) the winepress #G3025 #G3631 of the fierceness #G2372 and #G2532 wrath #G3709 of Almighty #G3841 God #G2316 .
strkjv@Revelation:19:16 @ And #G2532 he hath #G2192 (5719) on #G1909 his vesture #G2440 and #G2532 on #G1909 his #G846 thigh #G3382 a name #G3686 written #G1125 (5772), KING #G935 OF KINGS #G935 , AND #G2532 LORD #G2962 OF LORDS #G2962 .
strkjv@Revelation:19:17 @ And #G2532 I saw #G1492 (5627) an #G1520 angel #G32 standing #G2476 (5761) in #G1722 the sun #G2246 ; and #G2532 he cried #G2896 (5656) with a loud #G3173 voice #G5456 , saying #G3004 (5723) to all #G3956 the fowls #G3732 that fly #G4072 (5740) in #G1722 the midst of heaven #G3321 , Come #G1205 (5773) and #G2532 gather yourselves together #G4863 (5744) unto #G1519 the supper #G1173 of the great #G3173 God #G2316 ;
strkjv@Revelation:19:18 @ That #G2443 ye may eat #G5315 (5632) the flesh #G4561 of kings #G935 , and #G2532 the flesh #G4561 of captains #G5506 , and #G2532 the flesh #G4561 of mighty men #G2478 , and #G2532 the flesh #G4561 of horses #G2462 , and #G2532 of them that sit #G2521 (5740) on #G1909 them #G846 , and #G2532 the flesh #G4561 of all #G3956 men, both free #G1658 and #G2532 bond #G1401 , both #G2532 small #G3398 and #G2532 great #G3173 .
strkjv@Revelation:19:19 @ And #G2532 I saw #G1492 (5627) the beast #G2342 , and #G2532 the kings #G935 of the earth #G1093 , and #G2532 their #G846 armies #G4753 , gathered together #G4863 (5772) to make #G4160 (5658) war #G4171 against #G3326 him that sat #G2521 (5740) on #G1909 the horse #G2462 , and #G2532 against #G3326 his #G846 army #G4753 .
strkjv@Revelation:19:20 @ And #G2532 the beast #G2342 was taken #G4084 (5681), and #G2532 with #G3326 him #G5127 the false prophet #G5578 that wrought #G4160 (5660) miracles #G4592 before #G1799 him #G846 , with #G1722 which #G3739 he deceived #G4105 (5656) them that had received #G2983 (5631) the mark #G5480 of the beast #G2342 , and #G2532 them that worshipped #G4352 (5723) his #G846 image #G1504 . These both #G1417 were cast #G906 (5681) alive #G2198 (5723) into #G1519 a lake #G3041 of fire #G4442 burning #G2545 (5746) with #G1722 brimstone #G2303 .
strkjv@Revelation:19:21 @ And #G2532 the remnant #G3062 were slain #G615 (5681) with #G1722 the sword #G4501 of him that sat #G2521 (5740) upon #G1909 the horse #G2462 , which #G3588 sword proceeded #G1607 (5740) out of #G1537 his #G846 mouth #G4750 : and #G2532 all #G3956 the fowls #G3732 were filled #G5526 (5681) with #G1537 their #G846 flesh #G4561 .
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