rwp@Revelation:2:25 @{Howbeit} (\plˆn\). Common after \ouk allo\ as a preposition with the ablative (Mark:12:32|), but here a conjunction as in kjv@Phillipians:1:18|. {Hold fast} (\kratˆsate\). First aorist active imperative of \krate“\, either ingressive (get a grip on) or constative (hold on as a single decisive effort). See present imperative \kratei\ in 3:11| (keep on holding). {Till I come} (\achri hou an hˆx“\). Indefinite temporal clause with \achri hou\ (until which time) with modal \an\ and either the future active indicative or the first aorist active subjunctive of \hˆk“\ (usual idiom with \achri\ in Revelation as in 7:3; 15:8; 20:3,5|).
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