rwp@Revelation:22:1 @{He shewed me} (\edeixen moi\). The angel as in 21:9,10| (cf. 1:1; 4:1|). Now the interior of the city. {A river of water of life} (\potamon hudatos z“ˆs\). For \hud“r z“ˆs\ (water of life) see 7:17; 21:6; 22:17; kjv@John:4:14|. There was a river in the Garden of Eden (Genesis:2:10|). The metaphor of river reappears in kjv@Zechariah:14:8; kjv@Ezekiel:47:9|, and the fountain of life in kjv@Joel:3:18; kjv@Jeremiah:2:13; kjv@Proverbs:10:11; 13:14; 14:27; 16:22; kjv@Psalms:36:10|. {Bright as crystal} (\lampron h“s krustallon\). See 4:6| for \krustallon\ and 15:6; 19:8; 22:16| for \lampron\. "Sparkling like rock crystal" (Swete), shimmering like mountain water over the rocks. {Proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb} (\ekporeuomenon ek tou thronou tou theou kai tou arniou\). Cf. kjv@Ezekiel:47:1; kjv@Zechariah:14:8|. Already in 3:21| Christ is pictured as sharing the Father's throne as in kjv@Hebrews:1:3|. See also 22:3|. This phrase has no bearing on the doctrine of the Procession of the Holy Spirit.
rwp@Revelation:22:2 @{In the midst of the street thereof} (\en mes“i tˆs plateias autˆs\). Connected probably with the river in verse 1|, though many connect it with verse 2|. Only one street mentioned here as in 21:21|. {On this side of the river and on that} (\tou potamou enteuthen kai ekeithen\). \Enteuthen\ occurs as a preposition in kjv@Daniel:12:5| (Theodoret) and may be so here (post-positive), purely adverbial in kjv@John:19:18|. {The tree of life} (\xulon z“ˆs\). For the metaphor see kjv@Genesis:1:11f.| and kjv@Revelation:2:7; 22:14|. \Xulon\ is used for a green tree in kjv@Luke:23:31; kjv@Ezekiel:47:12|. {Bearing} (\poioun\). Neuter active participle of \poie“\ (making, producing, as in kjv@Matthew:7:17|). Some MSS. have \poi“n\ (masculine), though \xulon\ is neuter. {Twelve manner of fruits} (\karpous d“deka\). "Twelve fruits." {Yielding} (\apodidoun\). Neuter active participle of \apodid“mi\, to give back, but some MSS. have \apodidous\ (masculine) like \poi“n\. {For the healing of the nations} (\eis therapeian t“n ethn“n\). Spiritual healing, of course, as leaves (\phulla\) are often used for obtaining medicines. Here again the problem occurs whether this picture is heaven before the judgment or afterwards. Charles distinguishes sharply between the Heavenly City for the millennial reign and the New Jerusalem that descends from heaven after the judgment. Charles rearranges these chapters to suit his theory. But chronology is precarious here.
rwp@Revelation:22:3 @{There shall be no curse any more} (\pan katathema ouk estai eti\). No other example of \katathema\ has been found outside of the _Didache_ XVI. 5, though the verb \katathematiz“\ occurs in kjv@Matthew:26:74|, meaning to curse, while we have \anathematiz“\ in kjv@Mark:14:71| in the same sense. It may be a syncopated form of \katanathema\. The usual \anathema\ (curse) occurs in kjv@1Corinthians:16:22; kjv@Galatians:1:8; kjv@Romans:9:3|. For \pan\ with \ouk=ouden\ see 21:27|. {Shall do him service} (\latreusousin aut“i\). Future active of \latreu“\, linear idea, "shall keep on serving." See 7:15| for present active indicative of this same verb with the dative \aut“i\ as here, picturing the worship of God in heaven. See 27:1| for "the throne of God and of the Lamb."
rwp@Revelation:22:4 @{They shall see his face} (\opsontai to pros“pon autou\). Future active of \hora“\. This vision of God was withheld from Moses (Exodus:33:20,23|), but promised by Jesus to the pure in heart (Matthew:5:8|) and mentioned in kjv@Hebrews:12:14| as possible only to the holy, and promised in kjv@Psalms:17:15|. Even here on earth we can see God in the face of Christ (2Corinthians:4:6|), but now in the New Jerusalem we can see Christ face to face (1Corinthians:13:12|), even as he is after we are made really like him (2Corinthians:3:18; kjv@Romans:8:29; kjv@1John:3:2|). It is anthropomorphic language, to be sure, but it touches the essential reality of religion. "The supreme felicity is reached, immediate presence with God and the Lamb" (Beckwith). {His name on their foreheads} (\to onoma autou epi t“n met“p“n aut“n\). As in 3:12; 7:3; 14:1|.
rwp@Revelation:22:5 @{Shall be night no more} (\nux ouk estai eti\). As in 21:25|. {They need} (\echousin chreian\). Present active indicative, "They have need," though A has \hexousin\ (shall have), future like \estai\. Here again there is repetition of part of 21:23|, but for the purpose of showing the delightsomeness of the New Jerusalem with no need of lamp or sun (change to \ph“s\ with \hˆliou\ instead of \ph“tos\, "they have no light of sun"). {Shall give them light} (\ph“tisei\). Future active of \ph“tiz“\, while aorist \eph“tisen\ in 21:23|. {They shall reign} (\basileusousin\). Future active of \basileu“\. Reign eternally in contrast with the limited millennial reign of 20:4,6|. This glorious eternal reign with Christ occurs repeatedly in the book (1:6; 3:21; 5:10|) as in kjv@Luke:22:30|. Christ's Kingdom is spiritual (John:18:36f.|). "The visions of the Apocalypse are now ended; they have reached their climax in the New Jerusalem" (Swete). Now John gives the parting utterances of some of the speakers, and it is not always clear who is speaking.
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