rwp@Revelation:3:2 @{Be thou watchful} (\ginou grˆgor“n\). Periphrastic imperative with present middle of \ginomai\ (keep on becoming) and present active participle of \grˆgore“\ (late present from perfect \egrˆgora\ and that from \egeir“\, as in kjv@Matthew:24:42|) and see 16:15| for \grˆgore“\ also. He does not say "Arise from the dead" (Ephesians:5:14|), for there are vestiges of life. Those still alive are addressed through the angel of the church. {Stablish the things that remain} (\stˆrison ta loipa\). First aorist active imperative of \stˆriz“\, to make stable. Those not actually dead, but in grave peril. See a like command to Titus in Crete (Titus:1:5|). Every new pastor faces such a problem. {Which were ready to die} (\ha emellon apothanein\). Imperfect active plural because the individuals, though neuter plural, are regarded as living realities. The imperfect looking on the situation "with a delicate optimism" (Swete) as having passed the crisis, a sort of epistolary imperfect. {For I have found no works of thine} (\ou gar heurˆka sou erga\). "For I have not found any works of thine." Perfect active indicative of \heurisk“\. The church as a whole represented by \sou\ (thy). {Fulfilled} (\peplˆr“mena\). Perfect passive predicate participle of \plˆro“\. Their works have not measured up to God's standard (\en“pion tou theou mou\).
rwp@Revelation:3:3 @{Remember} (\mnˆmoneue\). "Keep in mind," as in 2:5|. {Therefore} (\oun\). Resumptive and coordinating as in 1:19; 2:5|. {Thou hast received} (\eilˆphas\). Perfect active indicative of \lamban“\, "as a permanent deposit" (Vincent). {Didst hear} (\ˆkousas\). First aorist active indicative, the act of hearing at the time. {And keep it} (\kai tˆrei\). Present active imperative of \tˆre“\, "hold on to what thou hast." {And repent} (\kai metanoˆson\). First aorist active imperative of \metanoe“\, "Turn at once." {If therefore thou shalt not watch} (\ean oun mˆ grˆgorˆsˆis\). Condition of third class with \ean mˆ\ and the first aorist (ingressive) active subjunctive of \grˆgore“\, "if then thou do not wake up." {I will come} (\hˆx“\). Certainly future active here, though probably aorist subjunctive in 2:25|. {As a thief} (\h“s kleptˆs\). As Jesus had already said (Matthew:24:43; kjv@Luke:12:39|), as Paul had said (1Thessalonians:5:2|), as Peter had said (2Peter:3:10|), as Jesus will say again (Revelation:16:15|). {Thou shalt not know} (\ou mˆ gn“is\). Strong double negative \ou mˆ\ with second aorist active subjunctive of \gin“sk“\, though some MSS. have the future middle indicative \gn“sˆi\. {What hour} (\poian h“ran\). A rare classical idiom (accusative) surviving in the _Koin‚_ rather than the genitive of time, somewhat like kjv@John:4:52; kjv@Acts:20:16| (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 470f.). Indirect question with \poian\.
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